Is Terry a current incarnation of the Catholic saint - St Catherine of Siena?


Here's what Wickopedia says about St. Catherine

She was born Catherine Benin in   Siena, Italy, to Giacomo di Benincasa, a clothdyer, and Lapa Piagenti, possibly daughter of a local poet. Born in 1347, she was the last of 25 children. She took the habit of the Dominican Tertiaries after vigorous protests from the Tertiaries themselves.

In about 1366, St Catherine experienced what she described in her letters as a "Mystical Marriage" with   Jesus. Her biographer   Raymond of Capua   also records that she was told by Christ to leave her withdrawn life and enter the public life of the world. Catherine dedicated much of her life to helping the ill and the poor, where she took care of them in hospitals or homes. Her early pious activities in Siena attracted a group of followers, both women and men, while they also brought her to the attention of the Dominican Order, which called her to Florence in 1374 to interrogate her for possible heresy. After this visit, in which she was deemed sufficiently orthodox, she began travelling with her followers throughout northern and central Italy advocating reform of the clergy and the launch of a new crusade and advising people that repentance and renewal could be done through "the total love for God."

Physical travel was not the only way in which Catherine made her views known. In the early 1370s, she began writing letters to men and women of her circle, increasingly widening her audience to include figures in authority as she begged for   peace   between the republics and principalities of Italy and for the return of the   Papacy   from   Avignon   to   Rome. She carried on a long correspondence with   Pope Gregory XI, also asking him to reform theclergy   and the administration of the   Papal States.

In June of 1376 Catherine went to   Avignon   herself as ambassador of   Florence   to make peace with the   Papal States, but was unsuccessful. She also tried to convince   Pope Gregory XI   to return to Rome. [ 2 ]   She impressed the   Pope   so much that he returned his administration to Rome in January, 1377. Following Gregory's death and during theWestern Schism   of 1378 she was an adherent of   Pope Urban VI, who summoned her to Rome, and stayed at   Pope Urban VI's court and tried to convince nobles and cardinals of his legitimacy. She lived in Rome until her death in 1380. The problems of the Western Schism would trouble her until the end of her life.

St. Catherine by   Tiepolo, c. 1746

St Catherine's letters are considered one of the great works of early Tuscan literature. More than 300 letters have survived. In her letters to the Pope, she often referred to him affectionately as "Papa" or "Daddy" ("Babbo" in Italian). Other correspondents include her various confessors, among themRaymond of Capua, the kings of France and Hungary, the infamous mercenary   John Hawkwood, the Queen of Naples, members of the Visconti family of Milan, and numerous religious figures. Roughly one third of her letters are to women. Her other major work is   "The Dialogue of Divine Providence,"   a dialogue between a soul who "rises up" to God and God himself, and recorded between 1377 and 1378 by members of her circle. Often assumed to be illiterate, Catherine is acknowledged by Raymond in his life of her as capable of reading both Latin and Italian, and another   hagiographer, Tommaso Caffarini, claimed that she could write.

St Catherine died of a stroke in Rome, the spring of 1380, at the age of thirty-three. The people of Siena wished to have her body. A story is told of a miracle whereby they were partially successful: Knowing that they could not smuggle her whole body out of Rome, they decided to take only her head which they placed in a bag. When stopped by the Roman guards, they prayed to St Catherine to help them, confident that she would rather have her body (or at least part thereof) in Siena. When they opened the bag to show the guards, it appeared no longer to hold her head but to be full of rose petals. Once they got back to Siena they reopened the bag and her head was visible once more. Due to this story, St Catherine is often seen holding a   rose. The incorruptible head and thumb were entombed in the Basilica of   San Domenico, where they remain.

Saint Catherine's body is buried in the   Basilica   of   Santa Maria sopra Minerva   in Rome, which is near the   Pantheon.

Saint Catherine by   Carlo Dolci

Pope Pius II   canonized   St Catherine in the year 1461. Her   feast day, at the time, was not included in the   Roman Calendar. When it was added in 1597, it was put on the day of her death, April 29, as now, but because of a conflict with the feast of Saint   Peter of Verona, which was also on April 29, it was moved in 1628 to the new date of April 30. [ 3 ]   In the 1969 revision of the   Roman Catholic calendar of saints, it was decided to leave the celebration of the feast of St Peter of Verona to local calendars, because he was not as well known worldwide, and Saint Catherine's feast was restored to its traditional date of April 29. [ 4 ]   Some continue to use one or other of the calendars in force in the 1628-1969 period.

On 5 May 1940   Pope Pius XII   named her a joint   Patron Saint   of   Italy   along with   Saint Francis of Assisi.   Pope Paul VI   gave her the title of Doctor of the Church in 1970 along with   Saint Teresa of Ávilamaking them the first women to receive this honour. In 1999,   Pope John Paul II   made her one of Europe's patron saints.

Throughout this website there runs a theme. The theme makes a case for the manner in which the greater Universe operates and who those intelligences are in other realms who have taken the positions as helpers and guides for mankind through recorded history, who have played great parts in the spiritual and religious movements in our realm, and who are communicating with us in present time, via various people who have the ability the "channel". They are also bringing forth in their communications an understanding of the cosmic significance of this particular period of humanity's evolution, which is different than any other in the history of humankind. These Sources may be the same ones who were helping the Mayans with their calendar and the 2012 end date.                

If any intelligence is going to lay claim to doing this, they best have a good story. Why should anyone believe a disembodied voice speaking through someone? I myself , with my physics major background at UC Berkeley, went through a few years of complete skepticism. I invite you to do the same, but just research it all before you discard it.  

Most people who are reading this page have some kind of preconcieved idea of how life works, whether religious, new age, agnostic or even aethiest. It is not the function of this author to tell you to change your beliefs, or that they are wrong. I'm just presenting stories and you can make your own evaluation as to the resonance and relevance.

We are presenting real happenings with no exaggeration, backed up by numerous facts, synchronicites, miracles and a track record of posted web pages over a 9 year period. We've presented the case tying David Wilcock to Edgar Cayce with statistical probablities of billions to one connecting the two.

I would note here that the knowledge of who one might have been in a past life is not neccesarily important to what one is doing in this life, particularly if one happened to have been famous. It could easily become a preoccupation and even lead to an ego trip, which would be very counter productive to one's spiritual progress in present time.

In Terry's case, none of this occurred. In sharing this story with you, it can have the positive outcome of making you more curious as to what "they" are saying in this time frame and giving a greater degree of validation for the possible accuracy of the information. The knowledge of the connection with St. Catherine led to a greater degree of confidence in Terry and the messages she was bringing forth.

Now I'd like to share the case tying Terry Brown (who has been channeling the voice which identified itself as the Elohim with me) to Saint Catherine of Sienna. For your information, I never heard of St Catherine and for most of you, that's probably the case as well.

Here's how the  initial connection to St Catherine was introduced to me ;

1. Reiterating the background of the story, I had met Daphne in 2002 and during the first 6 months of our connection an intelligence which identified itself as the Council of Elohim initiated a series of dialogues with me. In Septemeber of 2002, Daphne left and about one month later, these dialogues were picked up and continued through Terry. Terry had never channelled previously and "they" said they made the connection with Terry when she had come to witness a channeling by Daphne. I Googled the word Elohim and found definitions like the "creator of this realm" and "the name for God in the Old Testament". Although I wasn't convinced, they said they were the same.

2. There were a number of clues tying Daphne and myself to the Egyptian pharoah Akhnaton and his wife Nefetiti. I have a four hour workshop available on this website where I tell the entire story. I believe it was in 2004 when Daphne and I were conducting some sessions over the telephone and I asked, off the wall, if Terry had ever been anyone famous. I really didn't expect them to answer, but they told me to look up St.  Catherine of Sienna. I had never heard of St. Catherine but when I googled her I found the picture at the top of the page, which had a remarkable resemblance to Terry. I had already learned through my study of David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce, that people tend to look like their past lives, as their DNA is memorized in their soul and when the soul comes in to occupy the new body, it programs the DNA of the new body with the imprint of the past life. 

3. I then studied the history of St Catherine and learnd that, as a young woman, she would visit the local monestary in Sienna Italy and the nuns and priests would write down everything she said because they thought that God was speaking through her.












My skeptical physics major mind took all the probablities into consideration and I came to the conclusion that there was a high  high probability that Terry was St. Catherine reincarnated and perhaps the same Source that was answering all my questions had been the Source that was speaking through St. Catherine and responsible for her Dialogues. I include a link below where you can download St. Catherine's original dialogue.

If you take the time to peruse the Dialogues, you will find that the messages are crafted in such a way as to honor the Church they were being channeled in, but the wisdom of the messages went far beyond the dogma of Catholic doctrine.

You can read excerpts from the book which Terry (and Daphne) cowrite with me by clicking on the title below. It has the Elohim's current messages and guidance:


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