Ideas which have been presented to
me involving an understanding of the long haul of human soul evolution over tens of
thousands of years and an explanation for the unique period through which our planet is
passing. Some of you may remember me from a couple years ago, as the Angel Talk columnist for The Messenger. Others may recognize my name as the principal author of the book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. And others may remember me as a musician and songwriter. I am writing again, to present some ideas for you to run against your own discernment and intuitions. Ideas which have been presented to me involving an understanding of the long haul of human soul evolution over tens of thousands of years and an explanation for the unique period through which our planet is passing. For the past five years, I have been involved in the experience of communication with beings in higher dimensions. Unlike such notables as James Van Praagh or Jonathan Edwards, however, I have not been communicating with discarnate entities, but rather with "group souls". These group souls have described themselves as conglomerates of millions of individual souls who once had bodies like ours eons ago, and now act as overseers for planets at lower levels of evolution (like ours). I have had the opportunity to ask numerous questions about how the other side operates and what is happening on our planet from their perspective. These communications included extremely accurate future predictions, a miraculous healing, and much wise personal counseling. I would ask questions on behalf of others and they demonstrated a complete understanding of each persons inner conflicts. At one point in our dialogues, I asked them to explain how they perceived us and this was their answer: "We see you as energy systemsas energy circuits. When there are particularly bright spots, we know to pay attention to these. The bright spots are indicative that a person in your density has tapped into the greater collective field and is thus accessing consciously the required information to further free themselves from the confines of the third density. In this manner we are able to pay attention to those among billions who are able to make the initial sojourn to the greater developmental entities awaiting higher galactic consciousness connection." The group soul which gave this answer identified itself as the "Council of Elohim". I looked up the word Elohim on the internet and found two references; the God of the Old Testament, and the group that was talking to Joseph Smith when he founded the Mormon Church. I asked why they were communicating with me and they said I was like a "Cosmic midwife" implying that I was able to birth this information into the world. I am going to try to begin fulfilling their request in this writing. Now keep in mind I am having two sources from two separate group souls giving their explanation and guidance for what will be the most significant episode in the history of humankindif it occurs as they predict. So heres a very brief overview: Our planet is at the end of a 75,000 year cycle. The unified field has peaks in its energy every 75,000 years and our entire solar system is passing through a peak of energy right now, culminating in December of 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar. This energy peak is transforming our entire solar system. My book documents the changes backed up by NASA and university research with planets increasing in brightness, magnetic fields changing, solar flares increasing and stronger, and as weve all noticed, increased geophysical changes (earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.) on our planet. This increase in energy is causing our planet to upgrade. In simple language the lessons on Planet Earth will go from 3rd chakrapower and individualityto 4th chakracompassion and empathy. Another way of looking at it, is that the planet is shifting from high school to college and in order to graduate, there are certain prerequisites and tests to pass. If you dont pass the test, you have to repeat high school. (The most important requisite is keeping your heart chakra open so your energy field can meld with the new vortex of the planet.) Except you cant repeat high school on Earth. You have to transfer to another location where high school is still in session, because Earth will only be teaching college. That other location will be another planet in another star system. Souls are moved from one planet to another by the group souls. Many of those entities who are going to take the "earth upgrade" will experience what Jesus referred to as Ascension. They will move through the dimensions while still in their bodies. When is this going to happen? Supposedly the ascension event will occur in waves from 2007 to 2017. When I first began researching and writing, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? the case was very strong for the link between David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce, the wisdom coming through Wilcocks channeled messages stood on its own merit, and the scientific information he was bringing through was backed up by NASA and University research. The biggest glitch was the information on ascension. There was no way I could back that assertion up. But I had to include it. It was Davids main focus. His website was called ascension2000.com. I also included in the book a section of prophetic information. I watched many of the prophecies come about since the time the book was written. And then, two years into writing the book, I suddenly had a girlfriend who was channeling the Elohim and I was invited to ask any question. Now aside from predicting a newspaper headline two weeks in advance and healing my sisters life, I asked them all the questions about ascension which came up as I was writing the book. They gave the exact same answer as the group soul, Ra, who was coming through David. My body broke into a sweatmaybe this was all real and I had the correct view of the future. Id like to conclude this article with a few words directly from the group souls: Ra: You, yourselves, have never been more aware of the fury of the heavens, and of its transforming capability for change. As you continue to see weather disturbances and other Earth Change scenarios, remember it is created only by yourselves, so you might then learn from thine own mistakes, and strive towards greater love. Realize that the Earth is responsible for taking upon all those energies you would deny, or shunt aside, or raise in anger, rage, or bitterness. These energies must go somewhere, and thus they are transferred into the Earth. Chap 18 The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Elohim: There are no prescribed protocols for this ascension process. It is somewhat experimental in nature and the individualized experience of the entities choosing to undergo it will be as varied as there are individuals. Indeed, many will choose to drop the body. The great experiment is to be able to consciously ascend, thus keeping certain dna patterns and crystalline blood coatings intact in a way that is fairly rare for this sector of the galaxy. This is part of a grand experiment, the outcome of which is greatly anticipated by those who would wait and see what happens. Im not going to suggest you believe this blindly. Im only sharing my direct experience. If these words provoke you, I urge you to retrace my steps and read The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? and Conversations with my Girlfriend. If ascension is imminent, there is pertinent information in both books that will help prepare you. WYNN FREEs writings can be followed up at: www.CaycesBack.com www.ConversationsWithMyGirlfriend.com www.WynnFree.com David Wilcock: wwwAscension2000.com http://www.themessenger.info/mambo/content/view/231/77/