Somehow we humans
have gotten it into our heads that perfection is possible. We try to
find role models who seem to mock up the perfection we attain to, the
perfect girlfriend or boyfriend, the perfect teacher, the perfect
friend, whatever. Except, when the person doesn’t live up to
our expectations we often times discard them and go on looking for the
next, the next, and the next. And we expect the same perfection from
ourselves. There’s the famous bible story of the townspeople
who were ready to stone the prostitute whom Jesus admonished with, "Let
he who is without sin cast the first stone." Of course, no stones were
thrown. At one point in my life, a spiritual teacher who was very
loving, extremely wise, and completely empathetic was influencing me.
He was an inspiration to many people. Except some flaws, or what some
considered flaws, surfaced in his personal life. Many of his students
chose to renounce him because of this and deny the many "perfect
moments" he had provided for them. I chose to view this as throwing
away the baby with the bath water and I have eternal gratitude
in my life for this person who I credit with helping me grow into the
person I am today.
I’ve learned to realize that "evil thoughts" are not bad. It’s the actions we take that are driven by those thoughts that are bad. I would define "bad" in this context as "causing harm to others". If a man were killed for every lustful thought that crossed his mind when he saw a sexy woman, the human race would end in 24 hours. We all have negative thoughts and emotions. We feel envy. We feel angry. We feel hurt. We feel contempt. We feel revengeful. The key to self-mastery is learning how to transform, not suppress, those thoughts. If we judge ourselves, we end up feeling guilty for all these attributes of our natures, which are beyond our control. But,
when we are successful at this transformation we end up having more
perfect moments in our lives, where everything is in harmony and love
is flowing. Sometimes we fall into temporary states of perfect moments
with another and call it romantic love. Sometimes we go on vacation and
forget all our problems and experience perfect moments. Sometimes we
sit at the feet of a spiritual master and feel perfect moments. But it
usually doesn’t endure until we have learned how to accept
and deal with the negative side our being that I would define as the
shadow self or the dark side. Often, spiritually seeking people will
deny the existence of this part of themselves or feel that it is
incongruous with their self image so they stuff it, left with feelings
of shame and/or blocked energy. Unfortunately, denial just
doesn’t work. So, I’d like to outline a few of the
methods that have worked for me regarding the transformation of this
shadow self, understanding that this is a continual work in progress.