The dark night of
the soul is the term used by St. John of the Cross to describe the
final chasm one must cross before reaching the direct experience of
oneself as part of God. In modern terms it might be looked at as a
releasing of one’s shadow self or dark side. Most of us find
ways and means of avoiding this, because it usually means surfacing a
lot of repressed pain and feeling it at a conscious level, so we
distract ourselves into lower forms of preoccupation and worldly goals
like television, bad relationships, and acquisitiveness. In order to
pass through this "dark night" one must first have conviction as to
what is going on, next a complete boredom with all the ways one has
previously distracted oneself, and finally, the faith that others have
also walked this path and had ultimate success in finding God at the
end of the road. The end point of this experience allows one to
directly perceive that you are part of God as are all other sentient
beings. And with that experience comes the responsibility of assisting
those who sincerely ask, with their own evolutionary process. The
classical text for this treatise can be accessed for free on the
Internet at:
http://www.ccel.org/j/john_of_the_cross/dark_night/dark_night0.9.RTF At this present juncture of time, in the collective evolution of mankind, something new is happening. We are all sensing it in the air with a world economy on the brink of collapse, an irrational President about to aggressively invade another country without provocation, plagues running rampant, and a foreboding fear of an uncertain future. We are moving as a group into what I have termed the "Collective Dark Night of the Soul" where each of us is going to be forced, whether we like it or not, to choose the higher path of love and compassion versus the lower path of fear and self servingness, where we will not have the luxuries of indulging ourselves in our previous distractions. I recall my father’s best friends through his entire life were his buddies whom he went through World War II with. Although he made very few real friends during the rest of his life, he never lost his camaraderie with those who stood next to him when his life was in danger. In spite of how we may view the atrocities of war, the spiritual benefit for my father was definitely positive. We can deduce that there can be great benefit to what we would normally view as a very negative set of circumstances. There is another agenda running concurrently to this. Scientific research is indicating that right now our entire planet is coming to the end of a 75,000 year cycle where the entire solar system is going through a dimensional shift. Gregg Braden (www.greggbraden.com) and David Wilcock (www.ascension2000.com/divinecosmos ) have both compiled bodies of current scientific data demonstrating the probability that this dimensional shift is actually indicated by various measurable parameters in the solar system and on the planet. I recommend if you find the topic of this article provoking, that you check both of their web sites to validate these possibilities for yourself. David Wilcock also makes a very strong case for being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and via his channeled information, it’s been revealed to him, that this dimensional shift is going to create a dual path for our future incarnations. Those of us who keep our hearts open and operate from a sense of service to others will reincarnate (or ascend as the case may be) as a group into a new earth where love and compassion are the predominant themes and those who choose to continue to operate out of separateness and self servingness will reincarnate on another planet where they will have to begin their reincarnational cycle back at square one for another chance to go up the evolutionary ladder. According to Wilcock’s channeled information, our own planet was a dumping ground for square one rejects from other planets which accounts for the wide disparity of races here and the persistent disharmonies.. In the current agenda of our planet’s process, the manifestations of this dark night are going to tempt us all to go into patterns of fear and defensiveness and if we get stuck in these postures, we will, by default, end up on the lower path. Those of us who have learned to hold a focused energy of light and love are going to be called upon more than they might have ever imagined to minister to others during this period, whereas in the past, much more resistance would have been encountered. On the physical level, this might be a good time to build more genuine relationships with your neighbors and friends, store food, and pray. And embrace the future with a sense of hopefulness as we are collectively thrust into the intensity of the challenge to have our own direct experience of the Creator and his/her creation. Commit to victory over the shadow side of your own inner nature. Lightworkers everywhere, your moment has arrived. |