Each of us has many functions
or roles we play in our lives. We have the function we perform in our
job, the function we have in our families, etc. Oftentimes we set goals
around changing our functions; getting a better job, a new girlfriend,
and thinking that will make us happy. Usually if we’re not in
a present time flow, we don’t move to a future time flow. You
just change circumstances and miss the point that the real challenge of
life is to find the flow in the circumstances that exist for you right
now. Flow is the magic that makes the functions joyous. It is what
makes us feel a sense of connection with life and in particular, the
lives we are involved with. Without flow, functions are empty, boring,
and monotonous. Without flow we become depressed and dysfunctional.
The transformation of function into flow is actually an alchemical process. It can’t be done by will power, force, or method. It requires us to actually inspire or be inspired by those who are presently in our lives to participate in this higher manifestation of interaction. Free will is tantamount. Any use of force invalidates the process. It requires setting an example and making others feel safe. It requires the courage to take the first step and see if there is reciprocation. Perhaps we must take that first step over and over again until others realize you’re not just trying to manipulate them or make them feel obligated. Sooner or later others will sense your true motivation and they will respond. Flow occurs when people join in love. You can’t choose it. It’s just there. You can sense it when great musicians jam. They are in communion and they interact with psychic precision. If you’re in the audience, you become part of their interaction almost as if you were actually playing yourself. Your involvement is actually felt by the musicians and inspires them further. You can sense flow when a great sports team is in action. Or when a comedian is spontaneously reading and interacting with his audience. Or when you’re swept away in passionate lovemaking. But flow doesn’t have to occur when you’re doing something exciting or dramatic. Flow can occur in the most ordinary of functions. Like cleaning your house. Or sitting at your desk at work and getting in touch with the higher etheric energies connecting you with your coworkers. Each and every moment you are the center of the Universe and you are triangulated with all of creation. If your life seems dull and boring, and you’re looking for distraction and escape, chances are you’re not in the flow. Getting "in the flow" is the way we experience our connection with the Universe, oneness with everything, and transcend our separate and finite functions. Challenge yourself to inspire those around you so that they will give up their rigidity and fear and join you on this upward "flow" to joy. |