Relating with another is the
greatest test in putting into practical application the lofty spiritual
paradigms we attain to. What do those concepts such as Christ
consciousness, unconditional love, "when two or more are gathered" mean
in the context of one on one relating with another? Are they just
ideals or can they really be translated into life experiences?
For a long period in my life, I had very little idea how to make any of this my living reality. I actually thought I was applying those concepts to my relationships but, in truth, I was operating out of my idealism and hopefulness rather than my understanding or wisdom. My lack of discernment easily transformed this idea of unconditional love into unconditional foolishness. To be close with another being, that other must also share or at least respond to the same vision. Otherwise, the relationship will quickly spiral down into the mundane standards of the world and that’s a quick path to hell. We all need support. We all need to be acknowledged at our deepest levels. And most of all we need others around us who can reach through the levels of static and garbage at the outer perimeters of our beings and connect with our souls. But this can only be arrived at by the free will and free choice of two beings. Either being can stop this progression at any time by implementing control, possessiveness, fear, or bringing up past habit patterns and applying them to the present situation. We are not what we do. We are not what we have. These are created by what we are. But the world will constantly support the illusion that our worth lies in what we do and what we have. Insecurity and lack will cause us to attract relationships that are based on these and we are lost once again in the mundane world. Each time we relate, we have another chance to penetrate through the illusions of separateness into the truth of oneness. Unconditional love does not mean being someone else’s slave or someone else's fool. It means perceiving the other as part of yourself and giving what is needed. When I can access love first the levels of need eventually fall into place and get handled. This is where courtship can be crucial. It gives time to see if love can predominant over the fulfillment of need. When I've entered into the fulfillment of need first, in the hope that love would come, I would often end up with resentment, contempt, guilt, sorrow and/or rage. It’s just not worth it. If I can't access love, the most spiritual action I can take is walking out the door. But two can tango. And when two do tango, life is beautiful.