Wynn: Are you an individual entity as opposed to a group entity. AM: Yes Wynn: So youre closer to us, could we say than a Council? AM: Yes and no. Its a nonlinear kind of an answer. Humans have both a collective part and an individualized part. As a soul progresses through multiple incarnations, evolutionary, there are soul tracks that the soul may choose to evolve. One is to become part of a vast collective. The other is to ascend very very high into the celestial realms as an individual soul, perhaps working with, adjacent to, a council energy. One is not better than another. One is individuated. One is collective. They both serve purposes in eevolution. The individuation of a soul at a very high level tends to bring the soul forth to a frequency like the polished head of a diamond. Very very resilient. Very perfect in a certain kind of way. Where one can not mask the imperfections which one can do more easily by joining a collective. There are different paths of learning. Both have value. Wynn: There are 7 archangels? AM: We have spoken of the major 4. Wynn: How long have those 4 been involved with our planet? AM: 4 to 5 billion years. Wynn: Could another archangel be added? Could someone say I wanted to do that role? AM: We do not understand the question. The evolution of an archangel requires hundreds of millions of years. Wynn: So theres archangels in training so to speak. AM: Yes you understand now. Wynn: So another one could be added when they were sufficiently trained? AM: Yes Wynn: And can you relate to more than one being in this dimension at the same time? Thats a dumb question. Probably yes? AM: Of course. Several thousand at one time. Wynn: So you could theoretically be giving individual messages to several thousand in the same linear time? AM: Archangel Michael is multifaceted beyond your wildest dreams. Wynn: Can you appear in the physical? AM: Yes Wynn: Feel free to visit. AM: If this is something which the high self of the individual and the archangel deem sufficient necessary and in the highest magnitude of good for the purpose, it shall be so. Many people have seen me in the physical. Wynn: Do you have the same appearance every-time or are you different? AM: The physical appearance is more or less the same although perception wise Archangel Michael appears differently according to the capacity of the perceiving entity. Wynn: Are the archangels divided in their affiliations between the Elohim and Ra or totally independent of both. Independent but available? AM: No there are strong affiliations Wynn: Which group is Archangel Michael affiliated with? AM: Were a spokeperson for the Elohim. Wynn: And which archangel would be affiliated with Ra? AM: Uriel, Ezekial. Gabriel is also more affiliated with the Elohim. Wynn: Well I love having the opportunity to share this and experience this. AM: Does this make sense to you? Wynn: Yes it does, for whatever reason. AM: You yourself, even though your focus consciously has been on immersing your personhood within the collective of a group soul, is actually in proto training for the angelic realm and the masterhood of that. Wynn: I see. How many hundreds of millions of years AM: Your training is only about 400,000 years old. Relatively young. Wynn: So I have a ways to go. AM: Dont think of it as a way to go. Wynn: Its non-linear, outside of time, yes. Am: Yes Wynn: I am thinking both sides. In time and out of time. AM: You judge yourself. Do not. AM: Its just that your soul came into being more recently than Archangel Michael, coming as it did from a different galactic sector. Wynn: What sector did my soul originate from? AM: We read primarily Sirian. There are other influences as well. Wynn: I see. In reading a bit about Archangel Michael, youre a protector of things. It feels like when we have a high group coming forth .. AM: We would say guardian. Wynn: You make sure the energetic space is very clear and safe? Am: Yes. Wynn: Is that correct? AM: Archangel Michael could be thought of as the one who puts up with no bullshit. Separates the wheat from the chaff, the light from the dark, the truth from the untruth. It is time to cut to the chaff when Archangel Michael comes present ..The channeling entity is experiencing some integrative challenges. One moment . One last question. The energy is building very intensely. Its getting more than the channel can handle. Wynn: Tell me anything that you see in my highest good that I should know? AM: What happened in your 39th year? Wynn: Cant remember. AM: Meditate on this question. There is something which happened in your 39th year which you are now coming to terms with and rectifying. Karmically correcting. It is setting you right. Setting you on course. Wynn: Was it a relationship with a woman? AM: No something else. You shall have to ask your dream message. Wynn: was it the time my business fell apart? AM: Yes. It has to do with self esteem. It has to do with your role in the world and how you value your work. This is what youre integrating now. Wynn: I can feel myself being more empowered. I found something I like doing which is my thing. AM: And trusting yourself finally. After many years of not. |