Council of Elohim as channeled by Girlfriend Y Passing Over (this is an excerpt from a book I am working on. Questions and Answers with the Elohim is available on this website.) W I thought I would do a chapter on death and the realms someone goes through when they die. Do you concur that as a good topic? E Death has a very dark connotation yet we do not see it as such. It can be a glorious releasing into the light and a freeing of the bondage of the soul from the infirmities of a particular body. W I would imagine that if we talk about the experience of death, then there are as many experiences as there are people. It would be very much different from one person to another. E That is true but the basics are the same from person to person. The differences arise in the mindset of the person that is undergoing this experience. The mindset is important. The mindset of the people surrounding the person passing over is important. The attitude with which the death is undertaken is crucial to the outcome of the journey. W So a painful death or a death where one is sad and forlorn, would have a different journey than another kind of death? E A painful death is not necessarily a hard death if the attitude is right, because even if there is pain, the pain will release upon the release from the body. In the case where the body is in intense pain, the pain can even trigger the death and a separation of the soul from the body, thereby alleviating the suffering. In a sad death, where an individual does not want to part from another, they may stick around in the third density realm as a spirit form. . W Is there any kind of parallel that could be made between death and sleep? E Death is a vanquishing of the body, the leaving of the body. One may die and still be connected to the body as in a near death experience and can return even if the body is medically dead and bring the body to life. In sleep, the body may astral travel, however there is still a connection with the body and the intention of the individual is to continue with the body. But in body death, the intention of the individual is to be released from the body into the light and in, what we could call a successful release, would be to move with the .we wish to speak another language .the word means the letting go of the body and merging into the spherical etheric realms surrounding the earth. A more difficult death experience would be where the soul continues to identify with the body even after the body is dead. Instead of releasing itself into higher realms, the soul still thinks its the body, so in a dazed state it clings to the body, lying in the grave where the body is buried. It will take that individual many years to venture out and continue his sojourn through life. In this manner, cemeteries and burial grounds become the haunts of ghosts. W Where does the soul go when the body dies? E There are many answers. There are many places that the soul may go. We take the example of the individual who considered that he was the body and he stayed with the body, eventually venturing out in a ghost form, and not realizing that he was as a ghost he experienced the location of his death, he ventured as a ghost through his familiar haunts, and eventually entered circumstances of birth into a new body. Another soul who is not so identified with his body may respond to an effort by the other side to reorient him, He may recognize his friends. He may go into the light to be rejuvenated, He may see his life as he was and review any shortcomings, any mistreatment of others , mistreatment of himself. He may review the lifetime so he can move on, cataloging areas he wishes to work on. We will then help him to learn the lessons and help guide the future probabilities of the life that he would choose to experience. This is done with love and caring as the individual is loved more than one could imagine in this third density realm. W Where is the information stored that a person catalogs on the area that he wishes to work on? E Its held in the field of the person and of the surrounding of the person and with much love and care, more love than one can imagine, great care is taken with each person and theyre treated with love/light and the reference points are held in the field of the individual and the people working with the individual and together they work with higher forces. Also, there is an anchoring of energy to resonate with similar situations and circumstances available, extending and protecting into the future that will allow for the growth opportunities of the individual in future lives so he can have the experiences he needs to gain the insights and life experiences he needs to master and fulfill his desires. W Are there any kinds of death that are to be avoided if possible? E We would suggest that one avoid death by way of explosion. A sudden rearrangement of anchor and reference points both in the body structure and the environment creates resulting trauma which is not easily dealt with . The soul may experience a very deep mistrust of the environment and an inability to adapt may ensue. Death by trauma such as by explosion may disrupt the dimensional relationships and anchor points of the individual body and his environment so suddenly and unexpectedly that the individual is unable to track with the event and may engender a mistrust of the basic building blocks of his life and their ability to continue. That he becomes stuck and unable to relate to viable dimensional anchor points. Should he lose his ability to relate in a satisfactory manner to his surrounds, he becomes incapacitated and relying upon substitution of anchor points he can garner so he may become incapacitated and traumatized. He then waits for rescue. The rescue that must come from his own inability to trust and continue his own life path . W What happens in the case of cremation? E In general when a body is cremated, it is no longer available to cling to and the individual thus can become released from the body, feeling its fulfilled his responsibilities to the body. With the case of non cremation, the individual may still feel responsible for the body, even though separated from the body, hanging around making sure that the body is properly buried or taken care of. There are some ceremonies such as funerals and Indian burial rites or other ceremonies that effectuate the proper farewell to the body and relieve the individual of the responsibility of the body. In those circumstances, the individual is able to then leave. The rapid cremation process may impart some pain to the soul as the enforced dissolution of the body is thus finalized. W How about people who donate body parts? How does that impact a death experience? E Depending upon the body part, the donor may feel identification with that body part, sharing space with the with the recipient, thus some recipients experience changes in their personality in the opening of their bodies to the energies of the donor. W Might the donor attach themselves to the recipient of the body part? E That is possible and happens in a number of cases. W So, someone that has a heart from someone else could end up having an attachment of that person to them. In what percentage of the cases does that happen? E It is an entirely individual thing depending upon the part that is donated. W would it be more likely for a heart than an eye ? E It would be more likely for a heart/lung transplant, or a kidney transplant than an eye transplant. Mostly heart or lung. W Does it increase the chance that a donor is going to get hooked into this realm if they donate an organ? E It is like trying to get in through the back door into life again. Rather than to go out and reestablish a new life under new circumstances, the soul hangs onto the familiar. W So it does increase the probability that the donor will attach himself for a longer period in the physical realm? E Thats correct. W In terms of the after death experience, would you compare a person who dies isolated and lonely to a person who dies in a loving environment. How does that affect an after death experience and impact future reincarnational experiences? E There are further qualifications to know the outcome of the death experience. Someone who passes in a loving circumstance, may leave in a spirit of adventure and be carried into the arms of the angels finding waiting and welcoming family and friends in the other realms, where they have given permission for the individual to transmigrate and have in a loving and friendly and non possessive way conveyed . The isolated and lonely individual may expect continuation of the isolation and loneliness, therefore may not recognize the waiting arms of heaven as he is expecting abandonment so he will envision and see abandonment and be attuned to that vibration instead of the loving arms of friendly welcomers. He may miss the opportunity in his transition to experience the loving release, in that his vibrations are tuned to isolation and abandonment and as he is tuned to that frequency, then he will resonate and pick u p and vibrate to the opportunities for those experiences. W So its harder for him to get angelic support when he enters from that place. E The support is there for him were he to ask. Seek and ye shall find. One will find what one expects and looks for and surrounds himself with. W So if someone happens to be in an isolated circumstance and they know theyre going to die, what would be their best attitude prior to dieing? E Their best attitude would be to read the words of the earlier chapter about moving out of the box, the framework that one has set about him and into the love/light of the creators arms and to let himself be rocked in the vibration of love. If he can step out of his box of isolation but for a fleeting instant to grasp the love/light of the creator surrounding him, and let love surround him even for a fleeting instant and to experience the love light that is there, to move to that frequency even for an instant, he has a starting point for further exploration into the opening of the heart W That is a beautiful answer. I would think the idea of a hospice where people go to die where even strangers can give them love is probably a very positive thing to search out if one is expecting to die. Is that true? E Hospices do a very great work in the helping of individuals to pass over. Dannion Brinkley has developed the idea for a hospice where it creates a safe haven for one to accomplish his transition with the optimum amount of love and care. We welcome work with hospices and much can be done in that environment to strengthen the successful transition for members of the third dimensions. W At some point people just visiting hospitals or old age homes probably in pairs of two, could be a very lifting experience for those people who are in isolation and probably a lifting experience of high service for the people who actually do that also. Is that true? E This society has a tendency to forget the older people and place them out of sight in nursing homes and the like. Older people have much to offer and much more can be done to aid the life of the older person and to give the older person the opportunity to have fellowship with the younger people. Your culture would be more balanced and benefited by a two way exchange between the older and the younger. Not just the younger person administering love and care to the older person but the older person sharing their wisdom and what they have to offer to the younger person as well. W Thank you. How much does the specific manner of death and the ease of death effect future reincarnational experiences compared to the track of all the lifetimes a person has lived in the past might affect those same future reincarnational experiences? E That is a wide broad topic. A violent past life death may affect a future life bringing warlike attitudes to the violated person as he attempts to balance or rectify the violence that has been done to him. Violence co-creates violence. If one had died violently, his body in the next incarnation may show physical evidence of the past life violence, for example if one had been shot in the head , they may have damage to that area of the body, it may show as a birthmark, it may be a deformity in that area of the body, for example an eyelid might be slightly closed in an area where a person had been shot. An event of violence upon a body may destroy the dimensional anchor points in that area of the body so that the individual may carry that deformity into his next incarnation. The question is very broad. Do you have further refinements to the question? W Another way of saying it is how much possibility does a person have of rectifying the karma of all his past lives in this one particular life with a very high intention. How does the Christian idea of grace work if a persons intent is high enough? E An individual may pray for healing. He may surround himself with people who have healing properties and pray for the desired change, the desired healing. He may picture himself healed, strong, with the qualities that he desires, yet at the same time observing his infirmities and as he observes and asks for resolution, observe exactly the situation as it is expressing itself through him. No matter what the nature of the infirmity, he will gain data about it and we are there to hold the energy for him as he observes, to bring love light to him as he observes. As he observes it as it is in truth, it will be able to thus change. This is the foundation of grace itself. He does not have to do anything to change it. It is changed by grace. As he views the desired object that he wishes to change, the desired behavior that he wishes to change, as he views it exactly as it is, he reestablishes into free form motion the holographic structure which had previously anchored the problem and it is able to move again into a more amenable viable workable hologram. He has become a creator affecting his inner environment and in doing so, obtains control over a particular situation. W How about someone who is considering suicide or violence to another? How does this impact their future? E Hold the energy. Do not give up and tumble into hopelessness and despair and below that into treachery and deceit. Hold the energy of connection and healing no matter how difficult it seems or how difficult the odds. The healing is there for you and will manifest. It may take longer than one lifetime. Remember that time is part of this realm. It is not part of the eternal realm. Therefore maintain your integrity and your soul watchfulness. Watch for opportunities to heal and grow. When you sense an opportunity, someone may say something. You may read something. Something may appear and will bring an energy with it and you may sense that it resonates with your path towards healing and pursue that as long as it takes you towards your path towards healing as long as it resonates. Keep a watchful eye for healing. These are guides and signals along your path towards wholeness and oneness with the infinite creator. It may be difficult to hold the energy but realize that much of what you feel frustration about is not really your own. There is a tangle of other intentions which may be impeding your intention. Keep the faith it has been said. Keep your honor. Do not despair and give up although the path may be difficult if all of the threads that have been woven together to make your ambience , your presentation as it appears were unwound and strung out, you would laugh with joy. You would be whole. You would know that you are loved and cared for. You would love and care in a magnitude of where you might be if you despair. W It seems that if someone is in that position, it would be very good to find a group that can be in real fellowship. How could they trust a group? How could they discern a group they could trust if theyre coming from a place of such separation? E You are right in that finding such a group could be very helpful, but the group also has dangers and therefore you need your discernment so you dont get lost in the group think. You need to note where the group resonates with you, pursue it Where the group does not resonate with you, dont pursue it. Many wanderers are here and have their own sense, their own person, their own path, their own resonances they seek. When one is with a group, when the group-think and the group energy does not resonate and ring clear through, do not pursue it. For instance if one is raised with the idea of stepping on the American flag and blowing oneself up for the glory and purpose of a cause, there may be within oneself hesitancies and desire to run to a different scenario or path and realize that there have been times of great distortion about the expected results from such a scenario. The misinformation that was laid down in an earlier track may foster such a belief. The scenario now and then earlier in the track leads not to the expected outcome, although it is falsely projected that such an outcome is glorious and leads to glorious results, it is a shimmering fakery of the real outcome and truth. It may appear that one may blow through ones frustration in that manner but in the long run, it will create more frustration because life is loving caring sharing, communicating which revivifies the purposes and existence of an individual. The path of expressing frustration in such destructive manners leads to farther frustration because it does not support life and continuance on the path. It is as if one feels be ending it all in such explosive manner is expression of freeing himself from his frustration however it is a progressive dead end and he ties himself in a box. It is like a roadblock on a road and stops his progress. He then does not trust his environment or his path or his friends or his good natured love. It is a fakery of a final solution that leads to a progressively wanton and destructive life which is at odds with the true purposes of life itself. It is a shimmering fakery that some may to some degree resonate with however what they are resonating with is the fakery laid in falsely in some past scenario. W It might be likened to a person that attempts to get a temporary reprieve from an age old pattern and the reprieve seems to fix it for a moment but the pattern comes back and now the person is stuck in the commitment with whoever they did the reprieve with? E It is similar. The reprieve is like being forgiven all your sins and being one with everything but it is a fakery because it is not being one. It is a denial of the basics of existence and when one is trying to exist in glory so it is a contradiction in expression and the ability to carry on with the given building blocks that he has to work with in his traveling in life. It is a denial of those building blocks and it is a short quick fix that only lasts for an instant and then one is in more trouble than they can conceive of. W Would this be like a guy who is in financial need and then accepts a loan from the Mafia and then for the rest of his life he is indebted to the Mafia? E It is much more basic than a loan from the Mafia that will pass unnoticed in his scenarios over many lifetimes. The one which contains deadly force carries an impact that will travel with him through future lives. W Where is the deadly force? E If one would use deadly force in an effort to extricate himself or do a quick fix or teach others a lesson or achieve salvation through blowing himself up, it shimmers on the horizon for some people as a glorious means to arrive at another level. This couldnt be farther from the truth. Although he may not fix himself in one lifetime, remember that ultimately there is no time. The story may have chapters. If one holds a strong enough intention that he will resolve it, then he will be given the means and it will resolve but not necessarily immediately. It will resolve when it resolves. W I would imagine that just by the reading of this book that a person might tap into the reality that there is support inter-dimensionally thats very real. E Yes he may sense the love light around him. He may hear our intentions for his healing and he may sense our love. When we say he, we include she. We are not sexists. W Are there an equal amount of Elohim starseeds that are male as well as female? E Yes it depends entirely upon the lessons that the individual wants to learn and one individual may experience both male and female in different incarnations, We [Elohim] are considered more female because of our creator energies and our ability to handle delicate forms, our ability to heal and coddle life forms and our streaming liquid loving energies. However we are also very strong and have both male and female abilities. W A question which is slightly off topic - we had asked about the third dimensional experience of the Elohim and it was answered that, billions of years ago, the Elohim had evolved from physical bodies in Andromeda to their present position. At the time the Elohim were in physical bodies, was there another group that was acting as a higher support system for those bodies in a similar manner that the Elohim is doing that for us now and where is that group now? E Many of our group, in fact the majority of our group, are working in other realms and the work of our group is done in other realms which are precursors to life. Those portions of our group recruited other portions that had bodies to work with them. Therefore the portions did have life in human forms and engendered back into the main group. There is an overseeing force that has not incarnated into bodies and intends specifically not to, in order to maintain the purity of intention that is needed to guide and direct creation, as so many of the incarnated souls become polluted with other souls who they intermingled with. A portion of the Elohim remain as creator guides to keep the purity, to hold as an example and a light for the rest of creation as it goes through its many lessons. This portion of the Elohim holds the energy for the rest so that it may learn and that it may be a guiding force ready to show the way back. W So if I understand it, there is a portion of the Elohim that never had the experience of being in a body that holds the energy for the center of creation, that it is connected with the original oneness, the original first cause and has never separated itself into the physical universe. Am I saying that correctly? E Yes you are. W And in terms of universes are there other universes that have similar things happening or is the Elohim connected with the only universe in existence. E All is one and all is many, all is one , all is nothing, all is everything. Even within ones body there are universes upon universes. A body is its own universe. W Another way of posing the question, is the Elohim connected to all that is,all the time or are there other parts of creation which lead to oneness which the Elohim is separate from? E the Elohim has separated out of the nothingness to bring creation and to thereby further down the line to create separate forms for the focusing of life and life experiences. There is a basic one out of which everything else springs. Many universes spring out of the one. W This is a chapter on passing over and death. Perhaps we can include a question on birth. How does a soul who is on another dimension choose its parents and do the parentschoose the soul also on some level? E It is through vibrational affinity that child soul is attracted to the parent soul. There is a mutual recognition and people that need each other, find each other. W Is there more than one choice that a soul could make and are they actually choosing? E Theyre choosing at an unconscious level. It is on a vibration level. W In a birth experience, are there certain situations that are more optimal? Is a midwife better than a hospital? From your perspective is one method better than another? E There are advantages to birth without trauma. Therefore a birth that would lesson the trauma would be the better birth. For example, in a water birth, the movement of the water would tend to be an easier birth for the child to move from the womb into the water and then into the air. E we suggest now that we take our leave .. Adonoi |