Council of Twelve as channeled by Girlfriend X This is a channeling which was unexpected and occurred live on The Don and Wynn Show when I was hosting an internet radio show where Girlfriend X was a guest. Wynn: Are there any other group souls besides the Elohim and Ra who are closely working with the ascension process? Council: The Council of 12 Wynn: Can you explain who they are? Council: They are an oversoul collected group [similar to the original disciples of Christ] that are overlooking the planetary and solar system evolution into the Christ consciousness in our solar system.
Council of 12 December 11, 2005 Wynn: We ask for the presence of those inter-dimensional sources, service to others, operating from the Christed energies. Do we have a source that would like to introduce themselves to the Blogin audience right now? Girlfriend X (unidentified at this point who shes channeling): We of the celestial realm ask for Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Ezekial, Rael, The Council of 12, The Council of Saturn, The Council of Essene, and the emanations of the Hunab Ku. We invoke the Christed consciousness of the Christ light and all sentient beings, animals, human, involved in the ascension process taking place on Terra as we so speak, moving her from density through four, into five and upwards. We presently speak to you from the Council of 12, the oversoul counsel of our solar system. Have you questions for us this evening? We are indeed very pleased to have this opportunity presented to us for such dissemination of light to so many who can serve and uplift so many humans. We take this as a grave responsibility and huge honor. Have you queries for us at this time? Wynn: Ill ask a question on behalf of all those people who are listening. Each person wants to know how they can participate in the best way for the upliftment of this planetary process. Could you share that? Council: Go the the source. Go to the center. Go to what is in your heart. We are trained here in this western culture especially, to ignore the promptings, the intuitive pleadings, the emanations of the heart. Some call it the intuition, the gut instinct. This is almost always correct. We are too rationalistic a culture, too intellectualized a culture. Not that the mental is negative. But the [function of] mental and thus the ego is to serve the soul, not to be master of the soul. Right now we are struggling within a third dimensional structure that is enslaved by rules, rules which serve the ego. The ego dominates world politics, world business, oppression, not the heart. As leaders such as the Dalai Lama have said, strive for compassion for all, for harmlessness for all. In the end we are all the same. We all cry. We all hurt. We all need love. We all need food. We all need shelter. We all need each other. Look at your disaster here in the United States. Look at Katrina. Look at what happens when suddenly a natural disaster takes away the very existence of life, the technologies which we have come to rely on as the most concrete. They are not the most concrete. Physical things are not the most concrete. It is in the soul and how we treat others which is the most concrete. And we will continue to manifest these lessons [like Katrina] as long as we are intolerant of others, because others are only aspects of ourselves. The more quickly we can accept ourselves and our own imperfections, the more quickly we can harmonize with others of different dispositions and understand that these differences are like colors and musical tones, like different plates on the table, like delicacies to be savored for their differences, not to juxtaposed and judged, one against the other. There is room for multitude and plentitude. Variety is good thing, not bad. We must learn to rejoice and see beauty in variety. This is one of the most pressing points. There is much polarization, especially here in the United States in terms of the political spectrum. Things become heated emotionally here very quickly. There is an eroding middle class. Europe, Australia, even India at this point has a larger middle class than the US. This started happening in the 70s. In order to have a large middle class, one must have an educated populace. Once the public school systems are eroded, you will only have an elite populace and a uninformed populace or a media misinformed populace. Then divisiveness can start. This is what has happened in the United States. The U.S. is actually at a very critical juncture, because karmically she is a way-shower for the rest of the world, and yet there is much she has to learn from others, especially as regards humility. Americans have many, many good things in their character. But the one American characteristic, we speak generally now of course, archetypal, not of individual people, but the country as a whole must learn to cooperate as part of the world and learn to take its place on the world stage, not as a braggart, not as the mightiest and the greatest, not as a teenage, rebellious soul for she is a young country. She must learn to cooperate. Wynn: Can I ask you to explain how the Council of 12 operates in the affairs of our solar system? Council of 12: We are likened unto the disciples of the Christ. We are the direct emissaries to the Galactic Council which oversees the rising vibration of [not only] your current planet earth, but also the solar system, because your sun to is rising in vibration. The entity, now channeling, in a previous experience was actually given information pertaining to a dimensional shift where their would be the experience of a binary star system at the end of the shift, for it is not Terra alone, but the entire solar system [in transition]. Does this answer your question? Wynn: Don, Would you like to ask a question? Don: Are there any suggestion that the Council of 12 could make regarding what Blog In Service and BBS radio could do to reach more listeners, mankind. Anything that youd comment on this? Council of 12: The Council applauds your efforts greatly. One suggestion is to make information, the interview with Carla Rueckert, your upcoming guests and various others, available in transcript format or recordable CDs which people may order from you. This is one possible way of disseminating the information even further. Wynn: Thank you Don: Thank you very much. Wynn: We ask that perhaps you could send blessings to everyone listening and energy into their space so they can have some experience of upliftment into their reference point. Can that be done? Council of 12: Yes. The Galactic Council, the overseers of the Council of 12, energized by the Hunab Ku of the galactic center, the emanation of the Christ consciousness now envelope all listeners and all sentient beings and uplift their hearts with the golden silver energy of the magenta ray, of the harmlessness unconditional love ray, of the dolphins of the whales, of the oceans, of the trees, of Gaia herself. Spend time in nature. Behold what you have been given and behold how you treat her. For how you treat her is how you treat others and ultimately how you treat yourself. Spend time with children, with loved ones, with animals. Slow down your hurried pace. Take time to breath. It is better to do one thing simply and well, with love, than many things half heartedly. Be centered, be present. Now is the only time that there is. There is no past or future as we move into multidimensionality and nonlinearity. There are points. One is called kronos linear time. The other kairos non linear time, atonement, the Christed energy. They intersect at a place ruled by the planetoid Chiron, signifying that the wound within the self which must be healed so that one can then serve the planetary destiny and fulfill the dharma for which ones birth contract was prearranged and made. It is time now for the Indigo children and the Crystal children to awaken. The Indigo children are not just the children now. Indigos began coming in after the 2nd world war. The majority of Indigos came in after 1978. The children born after 1993 are crystal children. The crystal children can actually see the energies of which we speak. The Indigos are aware of these energies and are more likely to feel them and intuit them in their body, but with time and practice, their inner eye, their third eye can be awakened to see the beautiful geometrical forms which look like the inside of a light prism, put inside of a kaleidoscope. We bless you, we thank you, we are honored by you. We wish to serve you. Bring us your tears, your fears, your hopes, your dreams and your questions. We bid you good night. Blessings to all. Love peace and may everyone have what they need always and forever. Adonoi, adonoi, sebayath. |