I would suspect that for many who are visiting this site for the
first time, this section will be the most controversial. Quite frankly, this is not a role
which I have chosen, but have found myself in the midst of. Metaphysics and spirituality
have been two persistent interests during most of my life, but the idea of having direct
communication with intelligence in other dimensions was not something I ever pursued. I
knew there were people who were claiming to be having this kind of experience, but I felt
that if I opened myself up, I didnt have any criteria as to why I should trust
information that was inputted in this manner. My influences were people like Ram Das,
Krishnamurti, Yogananda, Bob Dylan and John Lennon. There were three exceptions where I allowed inter-dimensional messages to influence me. One was the work of Edgar Cayce, whose readings I intensely studied some 25 years ago. The second was a spiritual teacher whose name was John Roger. John Roger or J-R as he is known by his followers gave me what he called a "life reading" 20 years ago. He gave me this reading during the period when I was hitchhiking around the country playing music at coffee houses and colleges. He said I was duplicating a pattern of a past life when I was a troubadour in England 1000 years ago. He went into great detail of the story of what happened to me during that life and I could immediately intuit how many of the challenges and obstacles I was experiencing this lifetime could have been stepped down from that life. The next day after the reading, I realized that I had written a song 5 years previous which told the same story he told me in the reading. I remember writing the song and it came as a stream of consciousness, and I always thought it was something that originated from my imagination, but after the reading, I was convinced that reincarnation was real and the "life reading" was accurate. The third influence was the Conversations with God series by Neal Donald Waslch. Although there was nothing precognitive in Walschs messages from God, they were so wise that I knew it had to come from outside his own consciousness. When I discovered the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce in 1999, in his current form of David Wilcock, there was absolutely no doubt that Wilcock was channeling some of the wisest material I had ever come across. So I began an intense study of Wilcocks life and readings which led to the writing of the book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. And then two years into writing the book, April of 2002, I was thrust into a personal experience where I had a new girlfriend who spontaneously started to channel. For 6 months she would interrupt whatever else we were doing and announce "those guys want to talk to you." and I was engaged in conversations with a voice that identified itself as the Council of Elohim. The girlfriend was uncomfortable with this and after 6 months she left me. I suffered for 6 weeks and finally called me old girlfriend who came over and spent the night. In the middle of the night she woke me up and said to get the tape recorder out and a voice came through her and identified itself as the same Council of Elohim, I did put up a website at the time and left all the parties anonymous. I was still in the process of writing the book about the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and I didnt think I could share my own story without jeopardizing my credibility as an author and the credibility of the book. The original website is still up and I invite you to check it out www.conversationswithmygirlfriend.com. There was one other circumstance where during the period with girlfriend X, I began to write my dreams down and in the morning when I woke up, I found sentences which I had jotted down in the middle of the night which seemed to be counseling me, in very much the same manner as happened for David Wilcock when he first getting messages from his dream voice. I came to believe that my dream voice was the same as was speaking through David - Ra, the group soul. When I first began writing the book about Wilcock, I had a reading from Ra through Wilcock. At the end of the reading Ra told me to "watch your dreams and well be giving you more guidance". I didnt believe it at the time but then two years later, Im getting dream messages and its something which has continued to the present. The messages you are about to read are not presented as something to be believed as absolute truth. You may resonate with the wisdom. Or not. Although I have seen only positive consequences in my life and those around me as a result of these communications and this interaction, they may not be for you. And thats OK. This is very much a matter of individual evaluation and discernment. There is a consistent theme within the messages, from David Wilcock, from Girlfriend X, from Girlfriend Y, and from many other people who are receiving these kind of messages around the globe. Ill let you study the messages a bit, before I share, in my own words, what they are saying. I am going present those messages which pretty stand on there on in terms of the content of the wisdom and care. I am going to be a bit reserved on this website as to the more catalytic messages concerning the future of evolution of mankind. If you resonate with the wisdom, I encourage you to read the book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, read some of the supplementary materials available on this website for a more in depth understanding of whats happening on planet Earth from a cosmic perspective, join our free conference calls and take one of my telephone workshops : |