Ra Ra defines itself as a social memory complex which
originated on planet Venus in physical bodies millions of years ago and has evolved to
take the role as an oversoul for our planet. A social memory complex is another name for a
group soul, existing as pure energy and operating as a team in service to what they call
"the one infinite creator". Ra has identified itself in current time as speaking
through David Wilcock, Edgar Cayce (this is something which was never known directly by
Cayce), my own dream messages, and a woman named Carla Rueckert who channeled a voice
which identified itself as Ra from 1981 to 1984. The Council of Elohim This is also a group soul who spoke to me personally through Girlfriend X and Girlfriend Y. This contact included many future prognostications, a miracle of healing, and wise personal counseling. The Council of Elohim describes itself as part of the original force behind the creation of the physical universe. They also identify themselves as one of those referred to as God in the Old Testament and the group who was communicating with Joseph Smith when he formed the Mormon Church. I have discovered a number of other people on the internet who claim to be channeling the Elohim. The Council of Twelve The Council of 12 has come occasionally through Girlfriend X and Girlfriend Y. This Council is describes itself as the oversoul council that oversees the interventions of both Ra and the Council of Elohim in the third dimensional world we occupy. Archangel Michael Archangel Michael describes himself as an individual soul who directly interacts and assists people on this planet. |