I now present two chapters from the book The Reincarnation of
Edgar Cayce? as channeled by David Wilcock. David has many additional channelings posted
on his website www.divinecosmos.com.
Chapter Fifteen Ras View of Television and the Media Ra explains, in an amazingly composed text, how television and the media conditions our consciousnesses to certain levels of consensus reality which could prevent our expansion into the higher realms as we allow ourselves to be programmed by outside sources as opposed to going inward to experience our essence. ______________________________________________________________________ Your media isolates you inside a laboratory rat chamber or a circus ring, it makes you feel that you never have enough. RA: Yes, That's Right, Television In many ways, your lifetime on Earth is like a circus show, in the extent to which you understand the mechanisms of the performance go no further than that of the lion in my cage. Because you believe things about yourselves that are often damaging and hurtful, you find yourselves forever locked into a position of subservience to these forces that appear to be outside of yourself, and outside of your control. The ringleader represents society in general, as it molds what you should or should not feel, and instills feelings of disgust over your physical form by parading perfected bodies in front of you on the television. You, as the lion, may or may not even be aware of the extent to which you are a player in this giant circus; when the understanding comes, it can be quite a jolt. One of the first things that will happen is the desire to stop watching television and other media sources. The ringleader, in this case being the media and other organized forms of information control, only wants one thing, which should be readily apparent; it wants you to feel that everything you have is insufficient, to get you to strive further and further towards material objects. You who have reached these words now should be well aware that this concept of not being materialistic extends through all of the religions your world has ever known, or as the parable goes in Christianity, "The love of money is the root of all evil." Almost everything you see on television in one form or another is designed to instill fear. When you no longer have such a fixation on money, the situations that surround you will seem much less fearful. Many, many people exist in states of great wealth compared to the rest of the five billion people on this planet, and since your media isolates you inside a laboratory rat chamber or a circus ring, it makes you feel that you never have enough. Yet you live in one of the richest countries in the world, and the chances are that if you are educated enough to be reading this book, you probably have more than enough money to survive. Why should you continue wrestling with yourself over always wanting more and never feeling that you have enough when you can just sit back and realize that your life simply is? Instead of striving for greater and greater ideals of living, just simply be. As you strive to understand the grand plan of this circus, you will realize that you have been imprisoned by the capitalist system. Since the media, as you now view it, is a machination of the capitalist system, it will selectively bias you towards having a desire to accumulate greater and greater physical objects. But there is another aspect that you should be equally aware of. If you make an honest appraisal of what you see if you watch television every day, you will realize that the one dominant theme, if you view it from the outside as an observer and not as a participant, is that of fear. Almost everything you see on television in one form or another is designed to instill fear; programs as well as news shows, including the operational definitions given extraterrestrial contacts. Why, you may ask, is fear important? Fear is important because when you have a person who is fearful, it is much simpler to persuade them to do something that they might not ordinarily do. When you have a person in fear, that fear instills control. Many people know this subconsciously and use it to their benefit. The cases only become obvious once issues of domestic violence arise. Understand fully and completely that fear is a tool; a device, a method of having power over others. It is not necessarily giving up on the world as much as it is coming to a heightened understanding of the world. If the public right now was to reach a fearless state, then the international bankers and the policymakers who are running the show behind the corporations and media would no longer have the ability to control the people - would no longer have the ability to dictate the flow of currency. It is the very fact that people are paralyzed by their own fears that prevents them from doing anything productive; that prevents them from doing any real efforts to try to make adjustments in their lives in directions that will be most suitable for them. It is this fear that is the great limiter and the great binder; it is as an anchor that locks you to the bottom of the ocean of possibility, forever destined to go around your loop; to go around the perimeter of the circus cage. If that lion only were to know the grassy plains that God meant for him and the abundance that awaited him, he would most likely collapse with misery at the fact that he had been brought into such a system in the first place. The difference between you and the lion is that you DO have the ability to liberate yourself from the concerns of the world. It is not necessarily giving up on the world as much as it is coming to a heightened understanding of the world. [It involves] seeing it through the lens of a person who is unburdened by social considerations, who is unburdened by trends, who doesnt feel the need to have the latest clothes or the latest car, but just simply is who they are, nothing more and nothing less. To make said realization about oneself is one of the greatest joys that can be attained, for with that joy comes freedom. Self - knowledge comes from an understanding of the fact that YOU designed this whole system long, long ago as a spiritual essence. Why not simply be happy with your life as it is right now? Recognize that the things that still exist as challenges are there because you chose them to be there, not because people are "screwing you over," not because you are being tortured by the capitalist system, not because it is your fate in life to suffer, not because God has abandoned you, not because there is no other way. There is another way, and that way is the path of acceptance and surrender. If you simply surrender your fears and accept your life as it is right now in the present, you can begin to realize that there is a balance that is present by the very fact of whatever hardships or scarcities face you. The balance is present so that you can learn important lessons about life, and self - knowledge comes from an understanding of the fact that YOU designed this whole system long, long ago as a spiritual essence. The forces of karma, the forces of manifestation on this plane were chosen by you as the mass being that formed humanity, that formed this section of the universe. As you pull away from the material world, as you pull away from the squawking, incessant chatter of the television, which causes squawking, incessant chatter in your own mind, and as you lay down your fears at the door, you clear an enormous space for inner peace. Participation in this media, participation in this fear, in this lack of understanding, by its very nature will cause you to become completely embroiled in the matters of day-to-day living. You will often take out your greater concerns and hardships upon those people around you, because you are incapable of seeing the fact that there is more. You are incapable of seeing that what you thought was anger towards these people was in fact a deeper reaction to what is actually occurring inside your mind as you experience the hardship. [You feel this] as you experience the heartache that the media causes you by making you feel that you dont have the ideal mate or the ideal wealth, and that by attaining these systems you could somehow improve yourself. Simultaneously, the media is working very diligently to make you fear that your life could end at any moment, and to make you very possessive of that fact. If you can transcend the attachment to your physical body, then you should therefore have no fear of death. However, once you begin to separate yourself from these influences, and go deeper inside, you can then realize that there is much more than this. You can begin to come to an understanding that your physical life as you know it is but a shell; it is but a vehicle for exploration of the overall you, which is hyperdimensional in focus and extends throughout the span of linear time as well as many other realities. If you can transcend the attachment to your physical body, then you should therefore have no fear of death, for death cannot have a grip on you. You would merely understand that death is a transition, and that you will go on to something different. Ponder on these matters, for they will give you greater insight. To detach yourself from the influences, which pervade is a valiant task; it also involves detaching from the dietary choices that are presented to you which are often of a nature that is very destructive. [Having a diet involving] natural foods, fruits, vegetables and nuts, very low in meats, an abolishment of refined sugar and an abolishment of bleached, refined (white) flour, will cause great expansion in a very short period of time. It is your continued participation in the media which reinforces the unhealthy eating habits of large amounts of meat and of greasy foods so continually. Put yourself in the frame of mind where you can transcend this, and you will achieve clarity of mind and a peace greater than anything you have ever known. Think on these things, for they are truth. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love