scroll1.gif (3403 bytes)  Messages from Ra
                                           Healing the Original Wound
                                           and Reconnecting with God

      by Wynn Free


I now present two chapters from the book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? as channeled by David Wilcock. David has many additional channelings posted on his website

Chapter Seventeen- Ra Reading: Healing the Original Wound and Reconnecting with God

The traffic to Wilcock’s web site is ever increasing by this point. Ra/Wilcock is reaching 100,000 plus visitors to the site as of November, 2001, the time of this reading. The reading explains why there is such a predisposition on the third density to feel abandoned by God and it gives the keys to reestablishing the connection. I do believe that if you’re open and have the desire, the energy in this reading can lift you into your own personal spiritual experience. It is revealed once again that David Wilcock does not possess Ra and Ra is available to assist anyone who makes a sincere request for help and guidance. _______________________________________________________________________

Friday 11 / 09 / 01

We are simply the arbiters and facilitators of self-will, thus enabling the deepest goals to be brought forth.

Wow, another lesson. Sooner or later you’ll figure out that this isn’t really about you, it’s about us. Or rather, you could say that your relationship with us has certain factors within it that expect reconciliation between past and present, between known and unknown, seen and unseen. We work according to a system of certain expectations, not to say rules. Perhaps there has been a perception within you that you MUST do this or that or the other, and that punishment is expected if such goals are not achieved.

Indeed, a cursory glance at the history of these workings [in the Wilcock Readings] may seem to indicate that we have issued such expectations with a sense of inevitable duty that is chosen "from above" and then commanded to the physical self to carry out. Nothing could be further from the truth, as ultimately it is the Self that chooses all paths in life, and we are simply the arbiters and facilitators of self-will, thus enabling the deepest goals to be brought forth.

We have all experienced these times where we feel obligated to do something for someone, either physical or non-physical. It is more important to try to be true to yourself, to live up to the ideals that you have already espoused in your dealings with others, and to then expect others to follow their own paths without adapting yours.

The enslavement of perceived obligation knows no bounds within the developing personality, and such is presently the case with so many aspects and facets of your society at this moment that it beggars the imagination. One charged political example would be, "If something bad happens to you, then you should seek infinite justice against those who did it, and against everyone who

supports them."

Many requests have come to David regarding the status of this current conflict regarding the United States and foreign adversaries. Keep reminding yourself at the deepest level that the government is not God and can never be a stand-in or replacement for the God that is within. You do not have to feel as if anything is wrong with you if you do not agree with all that is being said and done.

Remember the teachings of Gandhi who encouraged his people to think for themselves and create change without the use of violence, but rather "peaceful non-cooperation." Lest you think that such passive resistance has no power, remember that Gandhi was arguably single-handedly responsible for releasing the people of India from the massive financial, social, political and spiritual tyranny of the British Empire.

Be aware that these choices you make and opinions you form do rest heavily upon your overall soul vibration, since this is the time of transformation. Delve deeply into the idea of whether it is right to kill a much larger number of people in revenge and retaliation for an event that happened upon your own soil, especially in light of the example of Gandhi. (Had India taken arms against the British in violent rebellion, they might still be a colony to this day.) Also be aware that you can still love those who choose to disagree with your views and not let partisan politics become a bitter schism that separates you from the world around you.

So in the large-scale arena of world politics, all does again come back to the drama of Self. The experiences of life provide the grist for the mill of transformation. Issues that transpire between nations are but large-scale dramatizations of the issues that occur between self and others. And it is important that we keep our focus centered on the self, and how you can heal your interactions with others and move towards a greater understanding. Regardless of your opinions about world events, it is unlikely that you are in a position to do anything of deep significance to change them. However, when you take responsibility for your own attitude and emotions from one moment to the next, you are actively helping to raise the overall vibrations of the planet at this time, which does indeed have a direct effect upon the consciousness of all involved.

You should never feel so high and mighty on your spiritual quest for wisdom and truth that you fail to remember the all-encompassing importance of sharing your life and love with others.

Some of those around you will seem particularly charged with a sense of mission and inspiration, and provide a role of leadership. This becomes the natural choice of all who unveil the true Self from amongst the miasma of illusion, and it can become your choice as well. Now is not the time to "become enlightened" and hide out in a cave; rather, it is to share that which you have experienced with others in whatever way is most suitable for them. For many, a smile or word of encouragement is plenty, and you should never feel so high and mighty on your spiritual quest for wisdom and truth that you fail to remember the all-encompassing importance of sharing your life and love with others on the most basic level, without casting expectations as to who or when or how. If you miss that most generic aspect of the spiritual quest, then you will be slowly dying inside and wonder why things aren’t going any better for you.

The stronger your desire to serve, the more assistance you will receive. Thus, resources are allocated to certain entities due to their propensity to make use of that catalyst for further gain. It is as a byproduct of request [from the self] that we move forward in such a manner. Thus, "ask and ye shall be given." If you are one who has already filed such a request, then be prepared to see how your life right now, exactly as you are living it, is indeed your ministry. The catalyst for learning that you experience should never be seen as obligation, as we strive for unity amongst the different layers of personality and soul so that a true coherence is established.

On one level, it is perhaps easier to post blame at a non-physical godlike entity for your feelings of personal responsibility than to see that you chose them for yourself. It is easier to play a game of denial and separation than it is to play one of love and unity. Nevertheless, what we are really interested in at this point is finding the core of your true soul, amplifying it and making it more and more conscious for you so that you can truly live out that which you were set here to accomplish. And in that strife, in that knowing, in that reconciliation, true awareness is finally shared in the personality structure of the self with the deeper layers of mind, and with the One Infinite Creator.

Our ultimate goal is to help you so totally find that God within yourself that you merge with it, and all illusions are penetrated in the light of Truth.

There are systems of guidelines that are fairly universal for one who would follow these teachings. We espouse these beliefs not to create a structure for control, but a platform for personal advancement and vibrational acceleration. Our ultimate goal is to help you so totally find that God within yourself that you merge with it, and all illusions are penetrated in the light of Truth. When this is done, you can step aside from feelings of lack of worth and self-deprecation and truly re-embrace the Original Self that hides behind veil after veil of forgetfulness.

These incremental steps give you the opportunity to release the conditions through which you were born and have suffered under. The realization of the destruction that was caused to your core by your parents and others is only useful when it is combined with the understanding that this was all a product of your own choice. Such experiences and difficulties come about only to mirror the ways in which you have treated yourself so blindly in the past, such as in former incarnations.

The "Now" is where the power resides, and in that "Now" you have the complete opportunity to overhaul the forgotten whisperings of desire for a better life and begin actively living it in the present. All of this begins with your ATTITUDE and a sense of thankfulness and self-forgiveness. To look back over the past with a critical eye is not the point; rather it is to see those experiences as having been completely sacred, for the potential that they gave you to re-enact the union with the One Creator that you have sought from the beginning.

Relax into an awareness of your personality distortions without feeling that they are a shackle or a binding that you can never throw off. Understand that these distortions will persist to a degree as the teachings continue to be assimilated on many levels. It is not normally possible for any one soul in your current focus to completely undo years and lifetimes of distortion in a short time, and nor should you expect sudden results or quick growth. The process of the balancing of the self involves repeated cycles of realization of a particular inconsistency, the taking of steps to alleviate that inconsistency and the repetition of the realization / action process once more.

Some of the experiences that have the greatest learning potential are those with the greatest difficulty. In earlier stages of your spiritual education it was quite easy for you to see many events in your life as meaningful, but then when the most difficult periods came along you would say, "That’s just the way it is" or "I got screwed over" or "Some guys have all the luck, some guys get all the pain."

The fact of the matter is that the majority of souls who are actively working their spiritual path at this time and place have long since moved past the point of what we would call random catalyst, meaning that things occur in their lives that are of a difficult nature but are not precisely planned and calibrated in advance for their learning potential. Great strides can be made in your awareness when you see how pre-determined much of your life’s events are. Now this predetermination may not be something that was planned years in advance, though this is more often the case than many of you would ever think. A number of events can and do get planned under much smaller windows of time, in order to best respond to your immediate needs.

This is why we stress again the importance of dreamwork, as every dream is an intervention that is best suited for your needs at that particular time – and such a requirement will remain ongoing for as long as you reside within your physical body. The dreams will help you to understand why the difficult events in your life are happening so that you can learn from them. And they will also cultivate humility, by not letting you run away with the idea that you have suddenly finished all of your work and can relax.

The short time remaining for you on Earth in the present cycle is a time that will be used to its maximal benefit, and you can fully expect that there will be many challenges. Yet, you should also remember that the challenges placed before you are carefully calibrated so as to not exceed the capacity with which you possess to solve them. Truly, it may be said that a great deal of the apparent randomness of your life is actually quite intentional, and remains as the next viable opportunity for you to have a major healing of the past. We define "healing" as that which removes any of the blockages from recognizing the existence of God within the self, and then becoming that Self.

The struggle of the apparent separation from God is re-enacted within the self constantly; this is why we refer to it as the Original Wound. As is often stated, the Original Wound is the illusory perception of separation from God. If you feel that God has abandoned you, then it makes it very difficult for you to live in the world. There is a sense of loss, of abandonment, of violation, of anger, of victimization. Great loneliness comes up for you as well, since you realize that God definitely exists yet seems notably absent. All it takes is one person, one event, one moment, one situation to ready the self for a re-enactment of that original pain, and off you go on another tirade of useless turmoil and self-inflicted vibrational damage.

Understand that these are typically subconscious processes, and bringing this struggle to the level of the conscious mind is a monumental accomplishment for any entity in third-density to attain. The reason why we give such emphasis to that point is that:

It is this Original Wound that is the basis behind all suffering, and also is the final key to complete enlightenment, or reunion with the Source Light and Love of Oneness.

We have many players on our team at a variety of levels whose purpose is to help you bridge this gap and re-attain what was once yours. The processes of soul evolution are carefully guided and part of a massive combined effort to bring about your greater understanding. And the more you realize this, the more that you step away from being a victim in your own life and blaming everyone else for the apparent problems that you are facing, and begin to take an active role in seeing yourself as the sole arbiter of the discussions with God that then get acted out on the stage of your life.

When you recognize that the Source within yourself is that same Source that is within all others, you then lessen the difficulties in forming a bridge between how your own issues could be acted out in your life by others around you. The ones who you hold the most closely and dearly are truly the strongest mirrors for you. Granted, they may have many of your traits and issues in an exaggerated form, and you would have a difficult time ever believing that such traits would exist within yourself. However, they would not still be around you if their purpose had been fulfilled; the guiding forces of life would separate your two paths since it was no longer necessary.

In many relationships this duality play of yin and yang forces will continue to exist in cycle after cycle. You have the good and the bad, the triumphant and the disastrous, all working together as a collective vehicle for your advancement. Many times you have chosen this relationship so that the other self can grow with you, and mutual progress is then possible. A relationship becomes more and more unbalanced if this does not occur, and will eventually result in separation and / or death of one of the participants, once a certain age is reached.

David just wondered why we needed to include death in the last sentence. Simply this: we are talking about relationships that are often consummated in marriage. It is a fact that upon your plane, many horribly unbalanced situations between two entities remain constricted within the contract of marriage long after they have outlasted their usefulness. This is not to say that we are issuing a prophecy regarding the death of someone that is not suitable for you but whom you have trouble getting away from. More importantly, it is for you to see that many of these relationships become lifelong endeavors of personal growth and healing.

Now, in situations where such a binding constriction occurs, there may not be mutual growth. Nevertheless, if the situation persists without divorce or natural separation, there is still some force within the self that is compelled to continue the game of conquest and loss, passion and disappointment, love and anger. If you do not have a romantic relationship at this time, do not be so blind as to assume that these rules do not apply to you, as these passion plays exist to varying degrees between yourself and all others with whom you would interact, especially those whom you see or think about most frequently. And again, this is but another mirror of the self, exposing yet a deeper layer of the personality for your view so that it might be assimilated.

The choice of relationship is usually one that is carefully weighed out in the higher realms long before the two entities ever even meet for the first time. Therefore, we are not necessarily advising you to simply drop out of a situation that has been deemed unpleasant by one or both parties. More to the point, your personal responsibility is in seeing how the upsetting aspects of that interaction are but facets of your own healing process, exposing the very issues that you have with yourself so that you may examine them on the stage of your life. And in this sense, a relationship with greater conflict can be of greater use, as those with conflictual relationships are those who are in need of this method of healing.

All conflict is born of the illusion of having been abandoned by God.

You are doing yourself and others an enormous disservice if you are still naïve enough to think that you have no role or responsibility in the creation of your conflicts. Once you achieve enough willpower to be able to claim that responsibility, you will find that it is impossible to harbor resentment at anyone, since all conflict is born of the illusion of having been abandoned by God. For many, this pain is still very present and can be easily touched off with the slightest of disturbances. Once you recognize that you were never abandoned to begin with and are constantly surrounded by a multiplicity of beings who love you more than you could ever possibly imagine and are working diligently to make you see it, then self-realization and Unity consciousness is

the only responsible choice that remains.

Your spiritual growth process is a minute by minute, day by day, lifelong affair, whether you make the conscious choice to see it as such or not. The more difficult experiences will lessen in their intensity when your attitude no longer has a place of resentment and negative emotions over them. Again we state that your attitude is everything, that there can be no greater importance in dealing with problematic situations than in keeping a positive attitude. When you can no longer be hurt by either enemies or loving friends, you have stepped outside of the prison of third-density consciousness and given yourself room to expand into the higher levels of your own being. And the trump card in your deck is the awareness that there is no separation, that all is indeed One.

Never forget that your own church of pain can also be the sepulcher of release. Cut loose the ties that bind you to separation and embrace Unity. Relive the memory of that true Home that knows no boundaries, no distinctions but truly is ALL, everywhere and everywhen. That moment is available to you right now as you read these words, as it is in every moment, should you but allow its awareness to become your own. We wish you well on your continuing journey, and remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. Peace be with you in the light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.