Message a Day


Dear Web Visitor

It's hard to put into words what we're sharing on this website. For many of you, this will be your first look at something which will, very likely, totally confront every reality system you've ever been exposed to. 

Suffice it to say that after a period of researching the channelings of David Wilcock (the subject of my book) and having my own personal experience of voices communicating with me and validating it all through my own processes of cross referencing and discernment, I decided it was very important to give acces to what I was learning to others so they could draw their own conclusions.

When you subscribe to message a Day you'll get a sequence of emails, each one with a short transcript of one of the messages from these interdimensional intelligences, with my comments.

Most people recognize the level of wisdoms contained within these transcripts. But there's also a cosmology presented which a human could not figure out on their own.

The overall theme has to do with the transition our planet is in the midst of and the cosmic significance of the Mayan Calendar end date of 2012. It also has to do with the prophecies of Jesus in Revelations . It also has to do with the book I wrote with and about David Wilcock, entitled The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?

Plus it has to do with what happened to me while I was writing the book, when, in 2002, a voice began communicating with me via two personal relationships, that identified itself as the Council of Elohim.

It may all sound crazy, but if you've opened your eyes recently, you might have noted that the world is probably not the world you expected to be in. The things which appeared to be your security no longer seem so secure. There is a cosmic significance to it all and that's what's being explained in Message a Day.

You can see by the flashing testimonials at the top of the page that my work is impacting people on a very profound level. This includes PHD's, Doctors, other authors, healers, and more.

I am very impassioned about what I am sharing here. Just
sign up for  Message a Day, at the top of the page by pushing the subscribe button and make your own decision. Thanks for being interested.

                                                          ..........Wynn Free

P.S. You can unsubscribe at anytime and your email will always be kept confidential.

Although we suggest that you consider the purchase of our materials after you read some of our free Message a Day Emails, some of you will  get intuitive hits on wanting more now. You can learn more about the materials we offer by clicking on the sun at the right


You can also check out my webpage on the book I authored with David Wilcock entitled "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?