The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce?
by Wynn Free with David Wilcock
I have read countless metaphysically-oriented books, but none more riveting than The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce. It is a book to which the general public can resonate....and they had better hurry, since time is exponentially accelerating. Rev. Dr. Iris Freelander, Long Beach, Ca.
An engaging biographical study of the remarkable parallels between the young David Wilcock and the legendary Edgar Cayce, June 7, 2006
Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA)
"The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication & Global Transformation by Wynn Free, with the assistance of David Wilcock, is an insightful and engaging biographical study of the remarkable parallels between the young David Wilcock and the legendary Edgar Cayce. Following the teachings of Wilcock's "dream voice" and his intuitive sense, The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? addresses for his readers the profound issues of soul evolution, death, and contributes thoughtful and thought-provoking answers to a discussion of Jesus Christ. The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? is very strongly recommended reading for all students of metaphysics in general, and the accomplishments of Edgar Cayce in particular"
"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce is a piece to the puzzle that you are looking to put together. The Book is an extremely lucid and well written case book on the spiritual truths of this planet. If you had any doubts about the direction of this world, the nature of our work, and your role in it all, they'll be gone by the time you are finished. Bravo!" -Michael Sharp , Author, the book of life
"They have created a book rich with information, ideas, and insight." - New Age Retailer Summer 2004
"Whether Wilcock is Cayce reincarnated ultimately is unimportant compared to the wealth of valuable scientific and spiritual information contained in this enjoyable volume." - New Age Retailer
"This book is a treasure chest waiting to enrich your journey. The only key you need is an open mind." - Chris Tannelund, Uforia
"Some of the most lucid and loving spiritual advice/wisdom I have ever read" - Amazon
"This book changed my perspective on life 180 degrees. If you have questions about life’s purpose, this book will certainly clarify the meaning of it all." - Amazon
"...the words coming through this young man are, indeed, from the same source as the information which came through Edgar Cayce." - Joann Turner, The Messenger
"I highly recommend this beautifully written book" - Cynthia, Reality Shifters
"It answers many philosophical and spiritual questions which I have pondered for decades" —Barbara Lamb, author
"I'm 17 years old and I have just gotten finished reading "the Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?" and I really couldn't put the book down, I praise you on your book as it is one of the most well written books I have read." - Nathan
"What a great read it is and well worth the cost." - Amazon
"David Wilcock is Edgar Cayce" – Uri Geller
"This is a masterpiece. I can’t put it down." - Dr. Phillip Rothenberg
"I am just stunned by your book" – Sandra Ray
"This book resonates its wisdom it may change your life forever" – Konrad Kasrerer, Spiritual Leader, Unity of Flagstaff
"The book may be the most important work in contemporary spirituality explaining how to maintain one's connections to divinity on a planet in transition." – Reverend Beverly Craig, Sr. Minister, Church of Religious Science, La Cresenta, Ca.
"It made me aware of what was important in life. I think we live and work towards goals that do not address our spirituality. I see myself in a completely different way than I have in the past. I now know that I have a purpose which was unclear to me before."
"I do recognize truth when I see it and I am somewhat intuitive. I tell you this for whatever it's worth, because it does feels to me like this young man is the soul who was Edgar Cayce."
"Completely changed my life. Now I understand what I've always felt and understood but couldn't articulate. I understand my purpose here now. Everything finally makes sense."
"I found the book you refer to excellent. I am one of those lucky people who was introduced to the metaphysical world when someone gave me "There is a River " which was about Edgar and his life. As far as I can tell David is certainly being guided by Cayce even if you don't want to accept that he is truly the reincarnation of him. The book for me stands on its' own as far as the information is concerned."
"Yes. It connected me to the reality that I am not alone with the answers I have found and the things I have come to believe in my heart as true and that my enlightenment must have been channeled as well...not surprising really, truth is truth."
"It has expanded my knowledge and comprehension of the makeup of Creation."
"I LOVE this book. …… The book is written clearly and follows along the path of the Cayce readings that I have been studying since the 60's and 70's when I first read "The Sleeping Prophet". I would give it a 10!"
Emails To Wynn
Dear Wynn,
I was one of those "unforgettable" patrons at the What the Bleep conference in Santa Monica that you conned late Saturday night on the "bridge" into buying The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?
Oh well, another $20 isn’t going to kill me and my beautiful exwife gave "cheapo" the prompt he needed. "Just buy it!"
Boy, am I glad! Congratulations. This is a masterpiece. I can't put it down. The thing that I like best, of course, is that it confirms all of my beliefs and prejudices plus a veritable plethora of information of which I had no idea and that tests out in my little "Cor Crucible".
You have an amazing talent and perseverance and I am one of those deeply indebted to you for the diligence you clearly exerted in putting together this fascinating and superb volume.
I hope we can talk sometime soon.
My very best wishes for your every success in marketing this very, very important work.
Philip B. Rothenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S.
My original plan was to send the book to Jana as soon as I finished with it, but at this point it's too heavily underlined, highlighted, and notated for me to be able to part with I am sending another to her. I'll just have to see where to get one the most expeditiously. Unfortunately hers won't have the inscription you graciously wrote in ours.
Reader's responses: Has the book changed your life in any way?
"It made me aware of what was important in life. I think we live and work towards goals that do not address our spirituality. I see myself in a completely different way than I have in the past. I now know that I have a purpose which was unclear to me before."
"Your email got me thinking a lot about your book again. How do I order another copy? I DID read 75% of the book before passing it on. I skipped around different sections. It is an excellent book!"
"It reinspired me. It helped to put me back in touch with a source I had "way back then". It's hard to explain what I'm trying to say. Not that I thought I ever lost the connection because I have seriously meditated and touched base on a daily basis for over 35 years. I know it has truly sustained me and I'm grateful. ….I do recognize truth when I see it and I am somewhat intuitive. I tell you this for whatever it's worth, because it does feels to me like this young man is the soul who was Edgar Cayce."
"I have been a seeker for 14 years now, have read many books, and your book made me realize that some of this 'stuff' may just be true! Sometimes one wonders as one seeks....Sometimes the world seems so nuts that one begins to wonder if there is ANY truth out there. YOUR book helped me in that arena."
"Completely changed my life. Now I understand what I've always felt and understood but couldn't articulate. I understand my purpose here now. Everything finally makes sense."
"I found the book you refer to excellent. I am one of those lucky people who was introduced to the metaphysical world when someone gave me "There is a River " which was aout Edgar and his life. As far as I can tell David is certainly being guided by Cayce even if you don't want to accept that he is truly the reincarnation of him. The book for me stands on its' own as far as the information is concerned."
"It gave me better focus on what's likely to come."
"I haven't finished it yet because I am savoring it, so I am going to keep your email in a special file and answer it when I am finished! ………the subject matter is absolutely fascinating to me and I think it's a great service you have done for all of us!"
"Yes. It connected me to the reality that I am not alone with the answers I have found and the things I have come to believe in my heart as true and that my enlightenment must have been channeled as well...not surprising really, truth is truth."
"It has expanded my knowledge and comprehension of the makeup of Creation."
"I LOVE this book. The book is written clearly and follows along the path of the Cayce readings that I have been studying since the 60's and 70's when I first read "The Sleeping Prophet". I would give it a 10!"
Around the net
coast to coast page with wilcock and free
psychic sahar
scientific blueprint for ascension
wynn's interview on prophecy keepers
here's the my space site of "cobaltcry" obviously an indigo who loves the
a very custom review of the book by Will I Am.
another comment/post on the book we discovered
Uri Geller comments on David Wilcock. scroll down to Jan 10, 2000, the return of the
bodhi tree best sellers for 2005. See The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? as the best
selling book in the Cayce gendre.
Ra material from Carla Rueckert
glossary of psychic terms. look up "Edgar Cayce" and they say he has
returned in the form of David Wilcock.
D. D. Delaney, contributing writer for the Portfolio Weekly in Virginia calls the
Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce a "sleeper" and one of the best books he has read
in the past 5 years.
a german article - Is Edgar Cayce Back?
Edgar Cayce Is Back