A new Day on Planet Earth
by Wynn Free
A new day on planet Earth.
The challenge once again
To find love.
Where will it be?
In the smile of a passing stranger?
In the kindness of a coworker?
From the Indian guy at 7-11?
A walk on the beach?
Ok, if the truth be known
I am sad today.
I don't even feel
Like getting out of bed.
It could be one of those days
When everyone just turns their back
And they all seem so sad too.
I feel like a foreigner
In a strange land.
No one to meet and nowhere to go.
The news doesn't look good.
More war,
More poverty,
More disease.
Isn't there a reservoir of joy somewhere
Instead of just looking at this empty spot
In each other?
How to make all this work?
Art work by Rassouli