Has Edgar Cayce Reincarnated?

What's in store for the future of mankind?

"I tell you this for whatever it's worth, because it does feels to me like this young man is the soul who was Edgar Cayce.” 

"As far as I can tell, he is certainly being guided by Cayce even if you don't want to accept that he is truly the reincarnation of him."

"The most convincing evidence however comes from the comparison of the astrological charts of the birth date of both Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock by astrologer Brian McNaughton. He discovered that the astronomical charts of the birth date of Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock are of such remarkable similarity as to rule out chance."

"The book offers many instances for the readers to totally accept that the sleeping prophet, who died in 1945 has reincarnated."

"I'm a big Cayce fan, and I know that what I just read came from that same Divine Source."


"It connected me to the reality that I am not alone with the answers.

" It has expanded my knowledge and comprehension of the makeup of Creation.”

"Some of the most lucid and loving spiritual advice/wisdom I have ever read."

“Completely changed my life. Now I understand what I've always felt and understood but couldn't articulate. I understand my purpose here now. Everything finally makes sense.”

“It made me aware of what was important in life. I think we live and work towards goals that do not address our spirituality. I see myself in a completely different way than I have in the past. I now know that I have a purpose which was unclear to me before.”

“I have been a seeker for 14 years now, have read many books, and your book made me realize that some of this 'stuff' may just be true! Sometimes one wonders as one seeks....Sometimes the world seems so nuts that one begins to wonder if there is ANY truth out there. YOUR book helped me in that arena."

Personal Guidance?

The definitive explanation for 2012!

The case as put together by author, poet, songwriter, metaphysical journalist - Wynn Free




The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?
by Wynn Free with David Wilcock

The deepest understanding
for the dimensional shift straight
from the horses mouth!

Is the voice from other dimensions who spoke through Cayce, now bringing it's wisdom and guidance to the world of the 21st century?

All orders placed from this website include a free introductory tape by author Wynn Free

Is there scientific back-up?

Millions to one odds
that Cayce is back!

The guidance to making
your own connection to divinity!

"In order to receive messages from our domain, you are required to make great personal sacrifices including the desire for personal gain. The much greater gain comes from the rewarding of your desire to be of service."

"We again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. The glory that you will feel upon your own explosion into the Light will be unmatched by little else. You cannot even fathom now the grace, joy and glory that you will feel. The vortex only opens for a short time, and that time is very soon indeed. And so, spend a little time each day to meditate and prepare the self for the time when the choice must be made."

"We commend you, the reader of these words, for your efforts in studying this material and trying to enhance your personal vibrations. Do not ever think that you are not being very carefully watched and studied as you study us. We want to extend every available opportunity for you to make the grade, so to speak."

"It will be a great shock to a number of many when these changes do indeed occur,and they will all be fond of saying that the Lord does work in mysterious ways."

"We do see that the elite members of the secret brotherhoods did choose to withhold this information from the populace at large, due to the fact that others might be able to master its energies, and in so doing affect great devastation to huge amounts of people. One who is fully indoctrinated in these secret traditions might then ask us why it is that we are publishing the results and giving the same information that could allow this personal transformation to occur."
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"Awesome in its scope of things to come!" - Gary Mortimor, Pasadena Church of Truth

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"David Wilcock is Edgar Cayce" - Uri Geller