Wynn Free
Things to buy
If you have enjoyed my
expression as put forward on
this web site and you would
like to support me as an
artist, please order my first
book -
From Eternity to Here -
a collection of 82
illustrated poems from
sex to God.

Here's a link to some
comments I received on it -

It is self published and I'm
personally signing each one
at this time.
It's Not Just Money...
(c) 2000 Wynn Free

It's not just money.
It's freedom.
The freedom to control your time,
Put food in your mouth,
Put a roof over your head.
The physical body
Has physical needs,
And we must pay for the privilege
To exist on Planet Earth.
And for the human spirit
To inhabit the human body,
The body must be comfortable and safe
And its bodily needs handled.
Otherwise the spirit keeps its distance
And the body suffers.

Money comes via creating value for others,
Value which others are willing to pay for.
Everyone has the challenge of figuring out
Their own solution to this....
Good luck....

Hint: Live your passion instead of going
through hoops

P.S. Wanna' buy a book of poems?
You can order from Joann
Turner publisher of The
Messenger - Cost is $12.00 plus
$4.00 shipping and handling.
Call her at 626-335-0482 She
can accept your credit card
over the phone. Or you can
email the order with credit card
info to:

Or send $16.00 to:
The Messenger
PO Box 1971
Glendora, Ca. 91740
Ca. residents please add .99 sales tax