Message a Day Archives

Monday Calls; 2011 Conferences

Monday – 01/31/2011

What to do when you’re going to die 

Introductory Notes by Wynn Free

Audio Link -

Channeled and Edited by Terry Brown

Transcribed by Connie O'Brien


Wynn Free:  Are we on Seth? 


Seth: Not yet we’re going to go live in five, four, three, two...  (music)


Wynn:  Welcome, everybody.  This is Wynn Free, and this is our Monday night conference call simulcast on BBS Radio, and my co-host Terry Brown – are you there, Terry? 


Terry: Yes, I am.  I’m right here. 


Wynn:  I hear you.  We’re just going to do a little intro because we announced that this call is coming on 6:00 p.m. PST, so we have about three minutes before we officially start to let people check into our conference call, and into BBS Radio.


We’re going to have a very interesting topic tonight.  As some of you know, if you’ve listened to our shows before, there’s the underlying theme of what I call “interdimensional communications” and the potential contribution to this realm from sources that identify themselves as group souls in other realms.  [They] have the ability to link in, not just with messages, but with energies many people on our calls reportedly can feel.  This only happens if you’re up to that, otherwise you can just listen on a mental level. 


[Beeping sound] When you hear those beeps like that, it means somebody is checking into our conference line.  Would you like to say your name and your city?   


Diane: Hi Wynn – it’s Diane in Minnesota. 


Wynn:  Hi Diane. 


Diane:  Hi. 


Wynn:  Which city in Minnesota? 


Diane:  Clearwater. 


Wynn:  Is that near Hibbing? 


Diane:  No, we’re just south of St. Cloud, closest to St. Cloud. 


Wynn:  Hibbing is my main town that I visited in Minnesota when I was younger and I went to visit Bob Dylan’s parents.


Diane:  Yes, I heard that story and it’s a good town, isn’t it? 


Wynn:  Yes.  I love your accent.  While people are checking in I’m going to turn it back to Gjis, who is our official greeter.  Go ahead Gjis. 


Gijs:  Alright, I want to say a warm welcome to everybody who joined us.  We had two more people who just join us in the last minute – will you please say your name and city? 


Lisa: Hi – Lisa from San Francisco.  Good evening.


Gijs:  Good evening, Lisa. 


Lisa:  Hi. 


Edna:  Hi.  This is Edna from Snohomish, Washington. 


Gijs:  Gutenhaben, Edna.  Vegates?


Edna:  Gutenaben.  (Speaking German.) 


Gijs:  Alright, and the third person, does the third person want to say your name and city?   [No answer] Welcome to the call anyway and Wynn, back to you.


Wynn:  It’s 7:00, so we’ll officially start our call in about a minute.  I’d like to welcome everyone that’s listening on BBS Radio all over the world people are listening to our calls and our replays. 


I want to thank everyone who has emailed about what they experience.  Part of the way we validate what we’re doing is from the way it impacts people.  Like if a tree falls in the forest is there any sound?  That’s an old Zen riddle: is there sound when a tree falls?  This only means something because of you, because of people who are connecting with it.  Go ahead Gjis – I’ll turn It back to you.


Gijs:  Welcome to the person who just joined us, welcome to the conference call and BBS.  Please say your name and city. 


Colleen:  Hi, it’s Colleen in Vancouver. 


Gijs:  Colleen from Vancouver, welcome to the BBS call. 


Colleen:  Thank you. 


Jeanne:  Gjis this is Jeanne from South Dakota. 


Gitz:  Is this Jeanne from South Dakota? 


Jeanne:  Yes. 


Gijs:  Alright Jeanne good evening, welcome to the call.  The next person who joined –


Zoe:  Zoë, Sacramento. 


Gijs: Good evening Zoë.


Zoe: Hi Gjis how are you?  Good evening everyone. 


Gijs:  Good evening to you. 


And there was another person who joined us in the last minute.  Welcome to the call; please say your name and city. 


Carielle:  Carielle, Jerome Arizona. 


Wynn:  Carielle, good evening how are you doing? 


Carielle:  I’m very good. 


Gijs:  Alright, welcome to the call.  Wynn, back to you.


Wynn::  Arielle?  Arielle, are you in Jerome? 


Carielle:  Yes. 


Wynn:  Is that Arielle whom I know? 


Carielle:  Carielle, no I don’t think you know me. 


Wynn:  Hi Carielle. 


Carielle:  Hi. 


Wynn:  Is this your first time on the line? 


Carielle:  Oh no, I used to listen a lot a year or so ago. 


Wynn:  I love Jerome. 


Carielle:  Yeah, well I lived in Sedona for a couple of years. 


Wynn:  You know Jerome is a little town up in the mountains way up high and used to be a turning road.  I think it’s about twenty miles from Sedona. 


Carielle:  It takes about forty minutes because I lived in Sedona and worked there so I know it takes about forty minutes by car. 


Wynn:   It’s such a cool little town.  It’s like the whole town is built on this twisty road going up a mountain and it used to be an old mining town and everything there is quaint …


Carielle:  It’s the third after Sedona and the Grand Canyon visited – Grand Canyon, Sedona, Jerome.  The amount of people that visit, they start with the Grand Canyon and they go to Sedona then it’s Jerome, in that order. 


Wynn:  One day I’m going to take my computer up to Jerome and go to that old hotel at the top of the hill and just work all day. 


Carielle:  Is that the Asylum? 


Wynn:  Asylum – is that the name of the hotel? 


Carielle:  The one way at the top that used to be the hospital? 


Wynn:  I think so, yeah. 


Carielle:  Mhm.  A lot of people take a lot of pictures of orbs there.   


Wynn:  I was there one time and the whole trip was very magical. 


Anyone just check in who would like to say hello? 


Chris:  Hi Wynn it’s Chris in Memphis. 


Wynn:  Hi Chris. 


Chris:  Hey man. 


Wynn:  Anyone else?  Okay, I’m going to mute everybody.


This is Monday January 31st, (2011) and we announced an interesting topic tonight.  I think it was called, “What to do when you’re going to die” or something like that.  You know it’s not something that many people talk about, although there are people that specialize in that – hospices, people that visit people that are dying.  Over the period of time that we’ve talked to our sources, when we’ve talked about death, they think of it as just a transition and that we’re going to continue and we’re gong to come back and have more lifetimes.  It’s no big deal; this is one lifetime in many.


Of course, when you’re in this realm the way they describe it is that the illusion of this realm makes us think that when our body disappears that maybe we are no more.  Then of course, the other question is: if we do continue, where do we go?  Of course, religions say that there’s heaven and hell, and there’s all these different places.  We really can’t know how it really works in this realm because we can’t see those other realms. 


Last week we had an experience where someone passed away who was someone I would call him a friend and Terry was a very close friend to him, and he was one of those people – I’ll tell you a little bit about him.  Are you there, Terry?  Terry?


Terry:  Yeah. 


Wynn:   Okay, hopefully we won’t start crying in this show, but if we do just forgive us because it’s part of the grief that all of us experience when somebody disappears.


Maybe the grief is not just because they died, but because the way they contributed to us while we were alive is no longer going to be contributed.  So if somebody meant something to us, then we lose that contribution in this realm.  And so grief is part of that. 


How much do prayers work?  How much does being with them when they die – what should we be thinking when we’re about to die?  We’re all going to die no matter how much we talk about making our life more successful in this realm, and more joyous, which are all very good goals.  This is something that should be of interest to everybody to know how to die and what creates a better death.


The gentleman’s name is John Sanborn.  John and Terry have been friends for probably…  how many years Terry? 


Terry:  Ahh, since about 1972. 


Wynn:  1972.  And, John was a writer and he was one of those people that I put him in the category of being like a classical poet.  Like at one point he became friends with Robert Frost and Robert Frost accepted him, not as an equal but as someone he had some respect. 


Do you hear that noise in the background, Terry? 


Terry:  John used to go to Breadloaf and I believe Robert Frost had something to do with Breadloaf which I believe is a school.  John used to go up to Robert Frost’s cabin and Robert Frost made a poem for John and he wrote it in the front of one of his poetry books and he gave it to John.  I think that poem is now part of the main body of work of Robert Frost. 


Wynn:    Terry, excuse me just one second.  Do you hear that noise, radio in the background?


Terry:  I do.  {There is some rap music now in the background.]


Wynn:   I muted everybody on BBS and it’s got to be leaking through from BBS I think.  I don’t have a clue here.  The only thing I can …background  music for the show. 


Terry:  You had the flute music, the background music and maybe it went from BBS from that into something else. 


Wynn:  He probably didn’t mute it and is playing something else.  Why don’t you keep talking a moment – I’m going to disconnect from BBS, and then I’m going to call Seth and get him to turn that off, okay? 


Terry:  Alright. 


Wynn:  I hope he’ll answer.  Just a second.  Why don’t you talk a little bit about John while I’m doing that okay? 


Terry:  Yes.


I’ll tell you one thing, John is a real jazz fan.  When he was young he used to go and listen to Billie Holiday sing and a bunch of very famous musicians played jazz in Boston, and this type of thing [the rap music leaking through into the background from BBS] was not his favorite music.  Sometimes when the neighbors where he lived would play their [boom boxes, John would spend hours with earplugs on in agony]….


Wynn:  Excuse me one more second.  When I switch this, what is going to happen is the people on the conference line are not going to hear you unless someone goes on BBS and puts their phone up to the computer because otherwise I can’t call Seth up without disconnecting it.  


Terry:  Why don’t you take my phone and call on my phone and I’ll use your phone and then everybody can stay connected? 


Wynn:  Hey, that’s a good idea, okay?  Alright.  I’m going to come in and get the phone and that way everybody can hear. 


Terry:  Alright. 


Wynn:  Alright.  Hang on. 


Terry:  Hello?


Wynn: You’re on.  You’re on.  The conference line is muted.


Gijs:  Yes – Terry we can hear you. 


Seth:  Alright we’re off the air – is everything going okay? 


Terry:  No, the background noise was music – can we eliminate the background music?


Seth:  It’s already done. 


Terry:  Okay, he eliminated it. 


Wynn:  Okay good. 


Terry:  Put us back on.  


Seth:  5-4-3-2-: 


Terry:  Hello? 


Wynn:  Hello. 


Terry:  Alright are we back on the air? 


Wynn:  I think so yeah. 


Terry:  Are we back on the air?



Wynn:  Let’s assume we are, we’re on the conference call and we’re on the air.  I don’t think we ever went off the air; we just lost the background music. 


Gijs:  We were off of it for a few seconds.  He just turned it back on,  we were off the air for a little bit. 


Terry:  We were telling you about John. 


Wynn:  Okay, he just turned it back on Terry. 


Terry:  John loved jazz and he knew a lot of the top jazz performers, including Steve Huffsteader who has a 19-piece (or so) band and he plays for clubs and restaurants around Pasadena area and he has records out – Steve Huffsteader, jazz musician extraordinaire. 


Where John lived sometimes somebody would be playing music, like rock or something, and all that would come through to John’s little trailer was vrrroom vrrooom vrrooom vrroooom and he couldn’t hear the highs or anything.  John said he’d rather die than listen to that music.  It didn’t go on all the time; he lived in a really beautiful little place by the creek, Oak Creek.  He was a very loving person and he had a full range of emotional tones, so he could get angry or he could get lovable or he could get joyous or he could get sad and griefy.


He had a history of where he was in the Navy on PT Boat 77.  About a week and a half ago he told me the story about how when he was on the PT boat, the PT boat was bombed – it was actually friendly fire.  He was badly injured with a lot of bomb fragments in his neck and in his leg.  Somebody said, “Don’t mind him he’s dead.”  Then somebody else came around later and John said he was still alive, he said to them, “I’m not going to open my eyes unless you promise to take us back to land.”  They did – they took him back to land, they took the boat back and they put him in the hospital there on the shore. 


The kamikaze planes, called PT boats, the devil boats – and they would send the kamikaze planes on suicide missions to attack the boats to divebomb into them to destroy them.  When they would do that and Sandy Tradinick, who was the Skipper, and John might be in the wheelhouse, and Sandy and John had a strategy for avoiding the collision with the kamikaze plane, the zero plane.  It would be aimed straight at their boat and they would turn the boat towards the plane and sit there idle in the water until the plane was totally committed and couldn’t change its course.  Then they’d flip the wheel around and the plane would go into the water next to the boat.  This was a very good way of avoiding getting hit by a kamikaze plane.


After John got bombed by friendly fire-- [he said friendly fire was hard because you couldn’t shoot back because it was our plane.]  They had gone out in the water during this big battle and the planes – it was a cross communication –the planes had the order to shoot everything out of the water that was out there.  One plane came over and on the radio the plane said, “Is that a little martini boat down there?”  The boat radio operator said, “Yes” and he said, “Get out of there.  We have orders to shoot everything out of the water down there.”  Then the second plane came along and bombed them.  So they took the boat back, secured it and put John in the hospital then they sent the boat back out and the PT-77 was out to sea and a kamikaze plane came a little too close and all the whole crew realized that they were going to get hit and so they all jumped overboard and they were all saved.  John heard the announcement from the hospital that the PT Boat 77 was hit and so he thought all of his friends were dead.  He was going away to get some food at the canteen and he came back to the hospital.  When he walked into the hospital he said all fifteen of the guys from the PT-77 boat were in the hospital there and they were all beaming at him because he thought they were all dead and they were all beaming because they had something over on him because they had all survived.  When he told me that a couple of weeks ago he was just crying because he was so happy to see all those guys that they had survived.


So he had a lot of good stories about his times; he had a lot of good friends and a lot of good memories. 


He was responsible for a lot of the books that were published and edited in Scientology.  He had put together the 08  book and he put together the Auditor’s series: the red on white; he put together the Administration series.  He had added lots to the books and gotten a whole crew together to help edit and to publish books.  He went to England and Scotland and worked with the organization in publishing books.  He was really an extraordinarily good writer. 


Wynn:  He actually read The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce when we were doing it and added some thoughts about it.  I think we took some of his thoughts and made some changes didn’t we?  


Terry:  Yeah, we did.  Like there would be whole paragraphs like at the beginning or other parts of the book where they didn’t seem to hang together right and I’d take them to John and read them to him.  John would either make suggestions on how to make them better or he’d say, “Trash the whole thing and start over because there’s nothing to work with.”  *laughing*


Wynn:  I would say that when we were writing that book, John is an extraordinary writer.  I guess part of what he wanted was to be successful as a writer himself.  He never became that except perhaps for the stuff he did with Ron Hubbard.  I’m not a Ron Hubbard supporter, but John actually put his heart into that and was there at the very beginning of that organization and probably made quite a difference in the way it grew.  John was a genius in his own way, and in recent times he was living in Sedona and he was living here because Terry moved him here and he’s 88 years old and basically living kind of as a recluse.  Every day his main thing was to go to the health food store and he became friends with all the employees, like this gnarly guy who would walk through the store and everyone knew him.  He cut a very striking energetic image and he created a lot of affinity with the people there. 


Terry had the idea that John might have been Socrates in one of his lifetimes because a lot of his philosophy, things that he would say, were very similar to Socrates and Socrates had a similar aspect to him where he was very much a loner and he would go into – if you’ve ever read the history of Greece and Athens – he’d go into the public places and schmooze with the people in public places.  He would kind of get a following, he would sit down, I guess at the cafés or wherever people could sit down.  Young people would sit down around him and he would kind of engage them in such a way as to force himself to make wise observations in their lives.  He never wrote anything except Plato was one of the young people and Plato then wrote about Socrates after Socrates died.  Socrates died because he was corrupting the youth and he was poisoned.


Terry:  He was accused of corrupting the youth. 


Wynn:  He was accused of corrupting the youth and the state poisoned him.  His students wanted to save him but he wouldn’t allow himself to be saved.  He said, “Well, I’m going to follow the law if they want me to die then fine.”  For a period I thought Terry was just off the deep end, but then when I got to know John better in Sedona.  Getting to know John was quite a challenge for me, getting him to like me or getting us to connect with each other was a challenge because for a good period of our knowingness, he felt competitive with me because I was getting a book published and he had always wanted to be recognized.  So, he dealt with me kind of adversarily. 


Terry:  I don’t think that that was the reason. 


Wynn:  It was because I was obnoxious. 


Terry:  That was part of the reason, he felt… 


Wynn:  It was because I was obnoxious.  I didn’t know how to create a common ground with John.  Of course, we were doing all this metaphysical stuff and I didn’t know…


One time I went over to his house and in his older age he was getting senile and his memory was getting defective, and he was reading me something he wrote.  We had talked about the interdimensional stuff that was happening between Terry and myself.  He would always refer to it as “the sky people.”  “What are the sky people saying?”  Then he was reading something he wrote, and in the middle of it there was this one sentence that said, “I’m not Ra unless you are too.”  I said “What was that?”  He looked at me confused, he didn’t know where that came from.  Obviously, they made a connection with him and somehow in the recesses of his unconscious that sentence came through; and they were trying to tell him.  One of the things that people think when they think of sources in other realms is that they think they are giving up their power, they’re going to be some huge source that’s going to tell you what to do.  People like John and even myself are very – self-propelled.  Don’t want anything to have authority over us.  It took me a while to realize that they did not want to have authority over me or anyone else.  They just wanted to help us from their realm.  Somehow they found a space in John’s consciousness to bring that message through:  “I’m not Ra unless you are too.”  I think that’s true for everyone listening.  These guys are us.  The universe is one energy, and that when you can connect to the oneness of everything you realize that it’s just an expanded part of you.


You can say that in you mind, but some of you have actually had the experience and understand that that’s the case:  that you’ve learned to have these energetic friends in other dimensions.  I was blown away when John read me that and then over the past months we had actually made a good connection.  Terry would probably go over and visit him, she’d talk to him an hour a day.  I wasn’t like controlling that connection or that relationship, I wanted her to actually connect with him.  In fact, I started calling him and saying, “How’s it going John?  What’s going on?”  I was really enjoying the connection.


Then, last week I had called John just to check on him and there was no answer.  Usually when there was no answer it meant he was in the health food store.  I was in the coffee shop next door to the health food store and I went over to the health food store and he wasn’t there.  I called Terry and I said, “I think something’s wrong.  John’s not home and he’s not in the health food store.” 


What happened was, he was leaving his little complex – he was living in a little trailer park complex – and he hit a building driving out.  We don’t know why; either he went unconscious or something went wrong with the car or he stepped on the gas instead of the brake and he hit the building and the seat belt broke three of his ribs.  The next thing we know, he’s in the hospital in Flagstaff which is thirty miles from here.  Terry went there and started doing a vigil with him.  What Terry experienced is the reason I decided to make this the topic of this call. (Crying)  There we go. I got some tears.  Terry, do you want to share that?  I’m just gauging the time.  It’s 7:32.


By the way, somebody emailed and they said last week I cut Terry off because we were going to do a channeling and we only had a few minutes left.  So if anyone thinks that I cut her off because I was being rude I’m sorry that I gave that idea, but I know people look forward to hearing messages from “the sky people” on these calls.  So that’s why I did it.  I apologize to Terry and anyone who thought that was impolite.  In any case,  I’m not going to cut you off, Terry.  If you feel like it, we can do a channeling about this.  If not, we have about twenty minutes left.  Why don’t you tell people what happened and what you experienced in the hospital in Flagstaff?


Terry:  Okay, well it’s called Flagstaff Medical Center.  I went up there; the police wouldn’t talk to anybody except Jane, who is John’s daughter and so they called Jane.  Jane said she was going to fly in.  I went up there and I got there; I wanted to go that night.  I was getting stuff ready to go; however by that time it was probably quarter to twelve at night and the accident happened about four.  I found out about it about six.  So I was still getting ready to go up there.  It was so dark and so late at night that it seemed like I shouldn’t be driving that far and it might be unsafe to drive up there alone on the lonely roads.  So, I waited until the next day and I got up there and John was still on the breathing tube.


They said he had stabilized; he came in critical but then he had stabilized.  They had him in Intensive Care and they had him all hooked up to these monitors to monitor his heart, his heart rate, his blood pressure.  There was about twelve things that they were monitoring and so I talked to the nurse and said that they were going to try and take out the breathing tube and have him breath on his own.  He couldn’t really talk, but he was very alert but I had brought some papers with me for his insurance policy that he had to sign.  So I talked to him and he first of all, he wanted a piece of paper.  He couldn’t talk because of the breathing tube and stuff so he made a motion of writing, he wanted me to give him a pen and a surface to write on and some paper. So I got him that.  He wrote “tell me” on the paper, like tell me what happened. He wrote “Tell me” on the paper.


I told him what I knew what had happened.  Then a bunch of nurses came in and they were going to take out the breathing tube and they were joking with him and after they took out the breathing tube he started to be able to talk.  He said, “Okay we’re going to …”  He had knocked out his lower teeth and his jaw, his lower lip had been cut like he had hit the steering wheel.  In the accident he hit the building and actually the bumper had gone through a six-inch cement wall.  His face hit the steering wheel and the safety belt broke his ribs, so he was having a hard time breathing because his ribs were in the wrong place, they were dislocated.  They had wired his teeth back in and wired his jaw and so he was starting to be able to talk.


I had had him sign the papers before they took out the breathing tubes and he was guiding me to guide his hand to know where to start writing.  He wrote his name onto the papers. Then I went during the rest time when the place was closed to visitors and I went and faxed the papers to the insurance company and then I went back. 


In the afternoon before the rest time three nurses came in and they said “Alright we want to clean up your chin.”  He said “Why?”  They said, “Because you’re ugly and we want to clean the blood off your chin.”  John said, “I don’t care if I’m ugly.”  They were moving him around in the bed and he said,“Why are you doing that?”   They said “Because we want to get some blood circulating to your butt.”  He said, “Oh you like bloody butts.”  He was [displaying] just this humor and they turned to me and said “Is this normal behavior for him?”  And I said “Yes.”  They were talking and he was using very big words with them, which he always does.  He had a huge vocabulary and a genius IQ and so one nurse said “Wow he has a really big vocabulary!”


By this time his daughter Jane had arrived and Jane said, “Yes, he is one of the smartest men I ever met.”  He was joking around and since he was doing that: joking with the nurses and stuff, I thought “Wow, this is a really good sign.”  Everybody was figuring he was stabilizing and he was going to make it through this and heal.  So I told him, “I said your job is to heal.”  He was taking instructions, he was following the instructions and nodding that he understood them and stuff.  He did say, “Don’t you guys have any pain medication?”  And they said, “You’re on pain mediation.”  Then he said “Doesn’t your pain medication work?”  So they upped his pain medication until they reached the point where he wasn’t in pain anymore, but that made him groggy and he kind of slept a lot.


The next day he was alert in the morning and Jane was with him all morning and in the afternoon he became unresponsive.  All the monitors and everything showed that he wasn’t expelling the air and his body was not getting enough oxygen because it wasn’t expelling the CO2.  He couldn’t breathe deep enough to get the air out because of the broken ribs; they were just moved right into the middle of his chest.  The [garbled] hospital had indicated that it was bad news, that he wasn’t going to make it.  They gave him 24-48 hours that his body was shutting down; he was literally shutting down, his kidneys were shutting down.  His heart was beating irregularly, which had been a problem too before the accident.  He had noticed that and asked me about it, had me feel his pulse.


They took him off the breathing stuff, they had him on oxygen, they took him off the oxygen mask, put in a breathing tube.  They asked him at one point if he wanted to be resuscitated, which would involve surgery and draining the liquid from his lungs because his lungs were filing with liquids.  He thought about it a long time and then he said “No.”  He didn’t want to be resuscitated.


So they moved him to a beautiful room overlooking the Twin Peaks, snow-covered peaks, in Flagstaff.  He had a bed there and I stayed all night that night in the hospital and they were really sweet.  They brought me breakfast in the morning and Jane came back in the morning and they brought us a couple of big Starbucks Coffees.  Jane was joking at first with her dad and saying to him, “Oh  what are these tubes?  They’re giving you a milkshake and coffee through these tubes.”  She was joking with him – “Okay dad let me wheel you down to corridors and we can say hello to people and we can take all this equipment with us, all these monitors and all these wires, although it might be quite difficult.”  John said he didn’t want to do that.  Jane said she did she thought it would be fun.  She was joking with him; she has a good sense of humor too.


When we got over to the other room, they took him off the monitors and they would just come in every four hours or so and just take his blood pressure and check him out and turn him so he didn’t get bed sores and stuff.  They gave him 48 hours. 


At one point I lowered his pain medication with them so that he would be able to be responsive and talk because they didn’t think he’d be responsive on that heavy dose of pain medication, so they lowered it.  He then became uncomfortable and in pain again so Jane had them raise it again.  I had them raise it some and then Jane had them raise it more I think.

Then, Jane and I were talking about what can be done, or how we would handle it when he died.  At first he had kicked us out of the room when we were talking, but later on we were talking in the room and he was pretty unconscious but I sensed that he was hearing everything and I told Jane I thought that he was hearing everything we were saying.


Sometimes, one of the workers pointed out that when people die they leave like when the person or the family goes to get a bite to eat or they leave the room for a minute, the person takes that minute to slip out and leave.  Jane and I were talking and I noticed that John had stopped breathing so I pointed that out to Jane.  For about three days every time Jane was with him she was holding his hand and she was telling him she loved him and he was saying he loved her.  Like at one point, the first day she got there he was “Jane, Jane……”,  because he was so happy to see her.  I was holding his other hand and I was telling him also that I loved him, and he told me(and  he never said before) he said he loved me.  He was feeling a very loving surroundings, he wasn’t in pain and the nurses were being very friendly to him.  So it was a very loving environment and he just opened up and responding with love.


Then when he left his body I had noticed just probably an hour or so before that there was this huge angel that had come and was just checking things out.  It was huge because John’s a big man, he’s 6’1”.  It  was a huge angel with huge wings and it’s like bigger than John.  He was just checking things out.  After he stopped breathing, Jane said “Do you see the angel?”  And I looked and the huge angel was there. So I spotted John and he was out of his body and I said, “Let the angel guide you to the portal for the tunnel of light.”  At one point I said “Don’t give the angels any trouble.”  Anyway, I was right with him and so he was in front of me: the angel was first guiding John to the Tunnel of Light, then I was behind John making sure he found it.  So we found the portal to the other side, we found it.  John followed the angel in and I followed John into the tunnel of light, I wanted to make sure that he made it.


So he was up ahead of me and I was observing the tunnel.  It was like lights, and the lights were sending energy of different frequencies clear through me,  a kind of a clearing energy, a kind of a changing my energy and translating that energy to a higher frequency.  And John was in front of me; I said to him “Go find Robert Frost” and Jane said, “Go find the poetry corner” and I said “And go find your jazz friends.  Go find Billie Holliday.”  I said “Go find your friends from PT boat 77” and he started to get really excited about seeing them because he dearly loved these people.


He looked back and he said would I be okay?  That he didn’t want to leave me here because he wanted to make sure I was okay and he was worried that I might not be okay.  I so I said, “I’m going to be okay” and he was still doubtful about it and he was kind of hesitating in the tunnel of light and I said ,“I’m going to be okay” and he kind of had doubts about it, but I assured him several times and I kept indicating “Go find your jazz friends” and he was getting really excited about seeing his friends.  [At one point he asked me to come with him.  I was already following him up the tunnel of light.] Finally he asked me one time more “Are you going to be okay?” and I said “Yes.”  And so, then he just went forward.


At that point I had to get out of the tunnel of light because I was starting to get disoriented.  So I went back out of the tunnel and he went forward.  Then Jane and I looked and the connection between John and I and Jane was getting thinner and thinner as he moved on in the tunnel of light. [Crying.]  So then he was gone and I went in and we told the nurse and the nurse came in and said we could stay as long as we wanted. 


Then the coroner came in and they put the body in the body bag and got it ready to take away.  There was no life left and his body was turning pale and so we did it.  For a couple days it was like Jane and I couldn’t feel him like the thread was gone. 


Yesterday, Wynn and I were listening to songs where these songs [we] were choosing songs to send out to one of the Spirit Channels, or to send out to people on the mailing list.  There was a song from West Side Story which I really love, it’s “Somewhere there’s a place for us.”  Then there was another song “We should be released” and Wynn played it and it started to seem really, really slow and I could hardly stand listening to it because was so slow.  I noticed a light around me and a very high frequency.  Wynn said, “John’s beaming down on you.”  Then, I looked and it was like John was up there and a viewing window opened from the higher heavenly realm down to here - and there was John and there was a couple of his friends in the room.  [John was telling his friends about his trip there to the other side.]


Wynn:  Terry, Seth is going to cut us off any moment, okay? 


Terry:  Okay, I’ll wrap it up. 


Wynn:  It’s 7:53. 


Terry:  The frequencies were extraordinarily high, and John had translated into higher frequencies and that whole thing was higher frequencies and time here seemed very slow compared to time there so that’s why the song seemed so slow.  That’s essentially what happened.


Wynn:  Alright.  You know what, next week we’re going to do a channeling and ask how that looked from the other side and how that worked.  I think that it was, we decided in talking about this that if Terry wasn’t there that he may have just gone up to the astral, and that the fact that someone was there helping him and loving him made him go higher than he might have gone if he had died alone.  I think that’s one of the important things. 


Thank you everybody for listening, we’ll see you next time – Wednesday, Sunday, whenever.


Terry, thanks for sharing your experience with John.  Maybe we’ll send a picture of John to everyone on the Spirit channel so they can see what he looked like.  Goodnight.







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Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly. Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may interfere. Apply your own discernment, take only what resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is meant for the person asking the question and you have the privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain insights from the answer. However,  even though the circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer applies to you.. This is not meant to replace seeing your doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner.  Some people get healings here, so you can be open to it.