Message a Day Archives
Monday Calls; 2011 Conferences
Monday – 08/08/2011
How to Handle the Economy that seems to be falling apart
Introductory Notes by Wynn Free
Audio Link -
Channeled and Edited by Terry Brown
Transcribed by Connie O'Brien
Wynn: This is August 8th, 2011 and this is our Monday night
conference call. We were listening to your introduction, Terry
– and you sound great!
The strange thing about these calls (is) that the people who are
coming on the calls regularly start to take ‘it’* for
granted. Not ‘take it for granted’ in a casual way, but they
experience it. It is so unusual that when somebody is listening
for the first time, they can feel like an outsider – you’re
not an outsider. The reason is (that) if we have it correct –
maybe we’re making a mistake. Maybe we’re just a bunch of
mass-hypnotized numbskulls, and this is not the explanation.
Although if you listen long enough to the calls you’ll start
seeing that it would be hard to dismiss it by calling us
hypnotized. (There is) too much phenomena (and) too many amazing
things happen on this call.
If we are doing what it seems like we’re doing, we have a bunch
of people in physical bodies and we have a whole bunch of beings
that are not in bodies that are on this call with us. There are
these bridges between communications – Terry is channeling so
she is a voice for them in the non-physical bodies. Many times
there are many things that come through Terry that are unusual,
that are phenomena that she can’t know, that is smarter than
her and smarter than me. (Also) awarenesses of how things work
that are incredibly insightful, and yet no one that I’ve been
exposed to has ever said it before.
The really unusual thing is that this intelligence, these beings
in non-physical realms, have the ability to blend with us or
maybe we have the ability to blend with them. It doesn’t
matter which way it looks like, because in the course of these
calls there are energies that come in that many people feel.
It’s kind of like we’re doing this call and we have this
whole team in other dimensions on the call with us and they
really like to connect with people down here. They say it’s a
rare opportunity/event/phenomena to make that connection with
them, and not only does it feel good and feel healing, it is
healing. When you make the connection they can then move through
the energy of your body and things can shift in your body –
like, a depression can lift or a healing can occur. We do have
many times (where) people call us or email me and tell me that
occurred for them.
We have this energy on the call and we have access to incredible
information about how things work, how they work. To a certain
degree what the future holds in store. I have at least one email
today from somebody that said they weren’t going to listen to
the call because they thought it was going to be fear-based
because the subject line was How to Handle the Economy that seems
to be falling apart. I suppose that’s only fear-based if
you’re afraid of that. Of course, it is easy to be afraid of
that, because part of us is surviving in this realm, and having
no economy or having no money means struggle. It could mean
worse; it could mean starving to death I guess in a very
worst-case scenario which is not very pleasant. Does it help to
make pretend that’s not going to happen?
I don’t think so; I think there’s a saying that goes “Hope
for the best and prepare for the worst.” This thing about an
economic breakdown has been in the works in my material even
going back to the David Wilcock/Edgar Cayce book, where in the
year 2000-2001 they were saying that things were going to break
down in this realm to the point where people had to barter with
each other. What does that mean? That means there is no money;
that before bartering services or goods that they have accessible
for other services and goods that people have and they’re not
relying on a system of money. That was back in 2000 and that’s
been quite some time. I think that to a certain extent some of
the good energy on the planet has been delaying things and they
still delay things; it may delay things for quite some time.
But, according to the information of my sources, we’re on the
verge of something. Then I read today, let’s just say for the
past month, they’re saying “Look at the middle of August,
look at the middle of August” from both Daphne and Terry.
Today, the stock market dropped 600 or so points. I think they
said (it was) the biggest drop in 112 years. Wall Street was
going into a frenzy. The fact that this is falling apart is not
just random; in particular in our country, we have a policy of
printing money when we need it, and not worrying if there is any
gold or silver or anything to back it up. I don’t know exactly
how well this works, but I know it happens – when you keep
printing money and you’re trading with foreign countries and
they are not printing money, that on some level their money has
some kind of backbone to it. Eventually, they’re not going to
want to take your money because your money is just pieces of
paper coming off a printing press. When they stop taking your
money, (that) means that your economy starts to go into bad
shape, because you’re depending on the trade (with the) foreign
country. Maybe they take your money but they deal with it in an
inflationary way: $2.00 is $4.00 etc., or it takes twice as much
money to pay the same bill. I am not an economic expert, nor do
I want to be but I do know that there is one set of probabilities
that’s very high that we’re going to go through a crisis.
Our country has gone through crises before and probably no one is
old enough, but many of you have read about the big crash of
1929. If you go study that you would find that when there was no
money the government put people to work. They had people
cleaning cities; they had people building things. They found
things that needed to be done - maybe it was busy work on one
hand, but it kept people with a paycheck. Our government can
print money, trillions of dollars, so that we can go to war in
the Middle East. They can print money to bail banks out –
billions of dollars all over the place, and they’ve done that.
Would they print money to put people to work?
There is one thought that there are factions in our government
that would like things to break down, that would like people to
die or suffer. If you recall New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina
hit, if you had read the newspaper at that time, our government
was acting in a way that was fairly illogical to me, because
there were people who were trapped there and there were people
going in and out. There were people who wanted to go in boats or
go collect somebody, and they were blocked. There was this
period of time, for so many days, that people were trapped and no
one was rescuing them; no one seemed to be delivering food and
that – do you remember that? It was very unusual because it was
in the paper and I asked myself “Why is that occurring like
that? Why is our government not taking care of people?”
Then you start reading in alternative news and you find things
like chemtrails with funny things in them that when people….
some people may not know what chemtrails are. In almost every
city and across the country, there are clouds – looks like
clouds, looks like jet-trails, but they’re not. They stay far
longer. In fact, sometimes there are a couple of airplanes in
the sky just criss-crossing laying down these tracks of all these
clouds. They’re called chemtrails. No one knows why they’re
doing it, it’s never been announced by our government. You can
go look it up and you’ll find many websites talking about it;
some of them where people are collecting particles and finding
very toxic substances in these things. Several times people are
saying when there were (a lot) of chemtrails there was also an
outbreak of certain diseases.
Why is our government doing that all over and country and even
all over the world? Maybe there’s a reason that’s good about
it, but they’re not telling us.
Terry: It’s probably a very costly program.
Wynn: Costly program – of course it is. If you start paying
attention to it, you find out that oftentimes when a certain
dignitary comes into town, the chemtrails stop. We’ve watched
that pattern quite consistently. It seems as if there is a
protection for those dignitaries and that they don’t want them
to be exposed to these chemtrails.
There are many things, when you start looking at it, that in the
past we all thought – even me – that somewhere, someone cared
and if things are going bad someone would fix it. There would be
a daddy; the government would be a daddy. If they were truly
benevolent, they would do that. They would do whatever they can.
The question is “Are they benevolent and do they really care,
and what is the agenda for that?” That’s a whole topic which
you can go listen to Alex Jones, you can read David Pike, you can
do searches on the internet. Anyone who has ever studied 911;
there’s something fishy about it. Go look up 911 conspiracy,
read it yourself. There are too many things going on.
If we have an economic crisis, what are the potentials for that?
In Utah, the Mormons have been told for a long time to have a few
years of food supply in their basement. Somebody told me
they’re also minting their own gold bouillon so there’s an
alternative currency. Other places are doing this. If you’re
thinking everything is going to be okay, I hope you are right.
If things are not going to be okay, it’s far better to start
making plans right now on how you’re going to cope. Of course,
one way of coping which readily comes to mind, is to buy a bunch
of gold and silver and put it in your basement. Chances are, you
don’t have enough money to do that. Very few people do. If
you did, and you did that now you can’t tell anybody about it
because you can’t trust anybody. They’ll come in, if
they’re having a hard time, and steal what you have. You
damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Somebody asked a question in a channeling one time “Is this a
good time to buy gold and silver?” The answer was “On one
hand it is. But on the other hand, it could easily set you up as
a target. You have what other people won’t have.” They
said, in that channeling, the best security is community –
really good friends. People that care about each other, that can
turn to each other if shit happens and can group-think their way
out of problems even if it’s required to leave an area. Do you
want to be all alone and not know anybody? It’s far harder to
find people at that point than it is prior to that point.
People say “Well, this can’t happen.” If we look at the
history of our planet, if we look at the history of our solar
system which we know a little bit of, there have been terrible
travesties that have happened, inhumanities of man to man. I
don’t believe when they were happening that one knew (or)
believed it would happen. I don’t believe the Jews in Germany
believed that they were going to be massacred. I’ve read that
there were even people saying this was so, and they didn’t
believe. They had to opportunity to leave and they didn’t
There was a planet called Maldek which exploded and became
asteroids. When Maldek exploded, according to Carla Rueckert’s
Ra material, not a single soul escaped. When I say ‘soul
escaped’, obviously everyone died. (Let’s just say it might
be true that) every soul on that planet, or almost every one,
became a tangled mess, tangled up with each other. According to
the Carla Rueckert channelings, they were moved to our planet and
came in as Neanderthal man which was engineered by the Ra Group,
and that was finally individuating themselves, slowly but surely,
over maybe hundreds of thousands of years. Hundreds of thousands
of years sounds like a long time, but not by our sources
standards, because they’re not in time. They can create
long-term agendas and pull them off because they’re not in this
We had an interesting question come up last Wednesday or last
Sunday about karma and how one, little, wrong turn can lead to
thousands of years of lifetimes working that out. You can be
Pollyanna; and then you can look and say “If these things
happened this could be a treacherous realm.” Does it help you
not to say that? Is that a pessimistic attitude? Maybe it’s a
realistic attitude. What can you do?
One of the things we know is that consciousness changes reality,
and that if enough people have a positive consciousness and can
hold the space, things take different turns because we’re
creating what happens. If you look at our little group and this
is a group that is tapping into that. Then, you look at the size
of it and look at how hard it is to tell anybody about it and how
little support it gets and if this is one of those groups that
provoke change, then you have to ask yourself “Why is it this
way? Is everyone going to run to this group when they are
starving and surviving when survival is at stake?” It is far
harder to welcome people when they’re desperate, it’s far
harder. It’s like, this is the time to create associations,
this is the time to make spiritual friends, this is the time to
connect with people in our city. It’s not easy; you’re going
to have to be creative and clever to figure out how to do it and
how to connect with the right people – not just anybody –
but, the right people. People with high intentions, people that
are loving, and people that want the spiritual community with
other people.
One of the things that’s not a bad idea is to buy food. Almost
every town has a 99 cent store. For $100, you can get 100 cans
of spaghetti and it could probably keep you going for a hundred
days. I would guess that if things really and truly break down,
then people are going to be trying to figure out how to get
themselves out of it. People are going to have a natural
tendency to try and take care of each other, and so having some
canned food gives you some breathing room. Also, water – water
doesn’t cost any money, even though tap water isn’t that
great, just getting fifty gallons and store it somewhere and
little iodine to purify it means you’ll have water on tap. If
you’re going to do this, if I was going to do this, I would
tell my neighbors “Let’s do this together. Let’s all get
some cans of food.” It’s just a good idea. That way,
you’ll have a bunch of neighbors that have cans of food and
you’ll feel a lot better. You’ll have friends that you’re
not afraid to talk to if it gets to the point where people are
eating that.
Even if it never gets to that point, the fact that you did it
starts to create community, starts to create care, it starts to
create connection. It doesn’t matter whether you need it or
not, you’re not doing it out of fear. Do you carry automobile
insurance? Well, you have to do that, but do you carry medical
insurance? You don’t do it because you expect to use it; you
do it just I case. The things I’m saying can be looked upon as
insurance, insurance so that if something happens, you’re
prepared. If you live in a really congested city you know
somebody outside of the city that lives in a small town or in the
country? Cultivate the friendship; ask them if anything goes
really screwy if you can come over there. Maybe you’ll have to
sleep in your car.
Preparing those things doesn’t mean you’re afraid; it
actually can make you less afraid because you know you have
options. It's good set your options up now, not later. We have
Team Shift, where people get to do calls every day and get to
talk to each other and call in the light. Are you in Team Shift?
You get in Team Shift and you’ll get to know four or five
people all over the country that have a high intent so if there
is an emergency and somebody has to leave the city, you have
friends that you’ve been making in other cities. Again, it’s
far better to set these foundations up now when you’re not
afraid, when you’re not up against the wall, than when you are.
People will trust it far better if you do it now.
We have our sources with us through Terry, and I thought I’d
get their take on some of this. We did do a conversation through
Daphne a couple of days ago, and they said based on their
probability vortices, this could be imminent. They said it
didn’t mean it would have to be; it didn’t mean it couldn’t
be delayed. The thing is, even if it’s delayed, it’s still
going to happen. I don’t see a way for it not to happen
whether it’s sooner or later. Maybe it can be put off for
years and I hope so. Maybe it can’t, and the stock market took
its biggest plunge today in 112 years. That’s pretty big.
Father Mother God we ask for the presence of the light to
surround and protect each person on this call and any negativity
be taken to the highest realms of light and transmuted for the
highest good of all concerned. We see ourselves in the flow of
energy radiating from the center of the universe, through the
galaxies, through the Milky Way, through the planetary systems,
through the energy fields of the earth, through us, through our
bodies, through all our chakras, through our feet, and into the
center of the earth. Right now we invoke a group energy
connection, a blending of our energies while inviting those
sources that are positive, service to others, honoring the Law of
One to join with us. We created a protected space that only the
positive has access to and anything not of that nature must leave
Ra’an: We greet you in the love light of the One Infinite
Creator. This is Ra’an August 8th, 2011 Planet Earth. Earth
is poised, many countries are poised, on that fulcrum point that
could go either way. Right now what is needed are individuals in
the planet who are secure. Security does not mean money;
individuals who are secure in their own beingness; it means being
grounded, it means being centered. One of the ways one can
center is to see themselves in the flow of energy from the center
of the universe to the center of the earth – that they are
within that space and are centered and that economic situations
are not senior to things like being centered. Knowing one is
worthwhile; one is valued which we value you. In spite of not
having any hold; in spite of not having much of anything within
the physical realm, one is still valued, one can still be
grounded. Do you have questions?
Wynn: Yes. I want to ask some questions on behalf of all those
people that feel that sense of anxiety; that feel that concern
for their families, for their children, for their relatives, for
their friends. How can we visualize the highest possible outcome
and be on the verge these potential breakdowns at the same time?
What can a person do, in concrete action, to help them move
Ra’an: The first thing is to be centered and have a sense of
self-worth that is not connected to the economic system, for you
came in without money and you leave without money.
During the time of your travels in the third density you need
shelter and food and community which helps foster growth.
However, you are not a child of the third dimension, you are a
child of the Universe and your role on Earth is one of attaining
growth, one of obtaining community as community leads to the most
growth, where one is communicating with a group of people that
they can give and take and have affinity and community with.
When one loses that which very often people can lose that in the
pursuit of money and material wealth, then their goal is
lessened; they lose sight of who they really are.
To start with, to gain sight of the centering of who you really
are and that you worth while and that you are valued, then to
reach out to the people around you that you trust and would care
for to set up groups, as within Team Shift. Groups of beings set
up of support where one person can support another. In the
calling in of the light we come in and also can support
individuals within the group and help them be centered within
their own life.
To set up community, to set up individuals that one can give and
take with, meetings - community meetings, get to know your
neighbors. This can be very helpful and ultimately put the
framework for rebuilding, as individuals as they get to know one
another, get to know what each needs, what their material needs
are, and how they can help, what jobs they might do to be of
service to another. This can all help.
Wynn: You see in some cities, even in New York City, the
neighbors are getting together and doing community gardens on
public land that wasn’t used for anything. Maybe it was going
to be built on but no one ever built on it. It’s a small
gesture, but it’s a big gesture because it gets people in a
neighborhood working together.
I would say that there is going to be a lot of room for
leadership in the days to come. and leadership being able to …
e.g., obviously you’re anxious about the economy. We are all
anxious about the economy. It cannot be solved individually.
Let’s just suppose you tried to solve it individually and you
took loads of money and you bought an island, I guess you could
do it that way. You could go to the island and no one could get
there and you’ll grow food for the rest of your life and
that’s going to be your life from that point.
Most of us don’t have that option; not even close.
If you start being a voice of people’s needs; like in the
course of your day, keep it in the back of your mind. Think of
the people that you really do have affinity with and call a
meeting and go to a local restaurant. Don’t do it at your
home, because maybe you ought to decide who you would let into
your home and who you wouldn’t. Go into a local restaurant, go
in, ask for a meeting room; you might want to have dinner. Just
have people talk about their concerns, just be the facilitator
and let each person say, let them know that if things get into
trouble you want to have a group of people that connect with each
other that can help resolve it.
If you can hold the space, the spiritual space, even though
you’re dealing with something that’s physical - you don’t
have to go into all spiritual stuff. They don’t have to know
about dimensional shifts and Ra and the Elohim, at that point.
Just extend your loving to them. Knowing about all this stuff
– I’m going to pose this question:
There are many people who become students of the shift; they
listen to every spiritual person, they are knowledgeable
metaphysically – what’s the connection between having all
that knowledge and actually qualifying for graduating this realm?
Ra’an: Thank you. One can have knowledge but knowledge is not
useful unless it is able to be held, sensed, experienced - and
put into effect. One might try, when one gets some knowledge, of
thinking how one can put that into an experiential thing in their
life, because without the experience the knowledge is dead.
Wynn: Another really good idea right now is to start going and
supporting the Farmers Markets in the area, and get to know the
people that sell there. Those people have farms; they grow
things and usually at Farmer’s Markets there are great
opportunities to meet other people. People that tend to go to
Farmer’s Markets tend to be more open than other people; I can
say that because I’ve gone to Farmer’s Markets. It’s a
great environment to meet people in your local area and to meet
farmers and to start supporting farmers by buying from them.
And, to get to know where their farms are, because at some point
personal connection with those people may not be possible. If
you’re their customer right now, then it’s a great
opportunity to make those connections.
One thing that I’ve done when I’ve wanted to open my energies
up; this can work anywhere. That is: go to a restaurant, but
don’t go to a busy restaurant – go to a restaurant where the
owner is really going to appreciate your patronage, where no
one’s there. You have to pick your restaurant carefully
because you want gratitude; you don’t want his desperateness
rolling all over to you, trying to convince you need their most
expensive dessert. That won’t work. Oftentimes, a restaurant
owner who is not having enough business will usually have
gratitude for someone that eats there. If you eat there a couple
of three times you get to know the waitress, you’re suddenly
flowing energy. This is all about flowing energy. This is all
about expanding your matrix, and you need to do something, you
need to take action and you need to be of service. Just going to
a restaurant is a great way of getting your energy moving when
your energy is moving you’ll note that there are periods of
time where you’re really depressed and you’re really
withdrawn and there’s other times where you’re really open.
Start paying attention to the open times, because when you’re
open is the opportunity to connect and meet new people – not
when you’re depressed and ‘woe is me.’
There are all these flows that each of us is doing. We’ve got
all these little spinning flows – one of them is depressed, one
of them is withdrawn, one of them is lonely, one of them is
broke, and another one is joyous and another one is open.
They’re all moving in different providences of your
consciousness. Learn to recognize them so that you can pay
attention to your own flows and take action when the flow is
In other words, when you’re having a terribly depressed day is
not the day to go looking for a job probably. It could be, you
could switch your day around, so there are no rules about this.
On a day that you’re feeling a little bit uplifted, that is a
good time to look for a job, because you’re probably thinking
“Oh my god I’m going to go look for a job; I’m feeling good
today and now I’m going to get rejected all day and at the end
of the day I’m going to be depressed.: But, don’t think
It was interesting, Terry and I had the TV on the other night and
we were watching Suzie Orman. She took this guy out of the
audience and he was having troubles because he had $100,000 in
student loans and there was no way he could dismiss them, he
didn’t know how to pay them. He got a job but he was only
earning $25,000 a year or something. He felt like he was lucky
to have a job. She called him up and she said “Can you feel
that they were lucky to have you? What would it take for you to
feel that they were lucky to give you that job? Can you feel
that? Can you offer enough to someone else that you can say that
they’re lucky to have me in their life?” Not that they
don’t deserve you, because they deserve you; but, you’re not
lucky because of it, you’re making such a big contribution to
them and you know it. And your self-worth goes up.
When you have a job there are little things you can do to invoke
Grace. A job is something which is something which is an
exchange; it’s an area of obligation. I work eight hours I get
$8 and hour at the end of the day I get $64. You do your eight
hours and you got your $64. You could be lawyer making $200 an
hour but it doesn’t matter; it’s an exchange.
Find the genuine ways to do something extra. Not to give
somebody this, but just to do it. Sooner or later somebody is
going to notice you. #1) When you get noticed you’re going to
have job security. #2) You might get promoted. #3) You might
get a better job. If somebody is working as a super market
cashier and they just think they’re too good for that job -
they should be doing this, they should be doing that. Chances
are, they’re going to be stuck there for a long time. How
about if they’re a cashier and they are so cheery and they
smile at every customer that walks by and makes them feel good.
They’re a Wanderer; their job is to cheer people up and
they’re in the perfect position. People come to them all day,
and that’s what makes their day go faster because they’re
going to cheer everyone up that comes through that line. Before
you know it, somebody comes through the line that has a company
and says “I love this person around my company. See how cheery
they are!” Before you know it, they got promoted. They got a
good job.
There are certain jobs that are totally skill-based; if you learn
the skill, you can then get a job. But there are a whole bunch
of other jobs that are trust-based, and if you can give off
enough good energy so people trust you…
I remember when I was in High School in downtown Philadelphia. I
was fairly young; I think I was fifteen or sixteen years old.
For whatever reason these guys had this electronic store called
Soundtronics and I had the key to the store. I was there alone;
I would take money and they never even had a thought that I was
going to steal from them. If you can develop that kind of
impeccableness, those kinds of people are harder to find,
oftentimes, than people with skills. How many people have you
heard about someone that went into business and their partner
emptied all their bank accounts out and left the country? Trust
is such a great quality to build, to be impeccable in your
relationships with people. There is something that happens from
that. You become worthy when you’re impeccable; you put out
worthiness and people get it. Your words are slanted; you know
you’re going to live up to what you say. You know you’re not
going to cut corners. These are qualities that would bring you
into spheres of people that you want to know.
Start now – it could be life and death in the next months or
years - the quality of worthiness, integrity, trust. It’s
hardest to be in that space when things are tough and when
you’re desperate. It’s a lot easier to make concessions.
I’m not saying to judge yourself if you do, because it’s not
easy. What if you’re in the place where you don’t have any
money and you steal a loaf of bread so your children can eat?
Believe me, I would be the first to forgive you and I would
suggest you can be the first to forgive yourself if it ever came
to that. Do your very best to develop a track record of
integrity; of keeping your word, being impeccable about your
word. Prove to yourself that you can do it and it will change
the energies you put out to other people. You will be able to
assume responsibilities, and that will create long-term security.
For each person it’s going to be different. Let me ask our
sources – what is the connection between integrity and
connection to the higher realms? - trustworthiness and connection
to the higher realms. It seems to me it would be hard for a
person who was devious to energetically connect. Could you share
why that is so?
Ra’an: Yes. When an individual is in the higher realms,
particularly, things move very very fast. The reach that a
person takes is determined by the person’s own trust in
himself, his own belief that the reach is going to be received.
If the person has been devious, then automatically that comes in
- whether he is worthy of a good receipt from the other person, a
good flow back from the other person. He may project upon the
other person thoughts, as he has been devious that they are
probably devious. As you are in the higher realms and are moving
at a very high speed, there is clarity of intent and purpose.
There is more viewing of how things really are with the other
person. If a person has been devious, that means that they have
likely hidden their deviousness and as they get into the higher
realms and they attempt to communicate, they are unable to hide
their deviousness, and the flow between the two people is
automatically corrupted.
It makes it very hard if one is devious or is unethical, to
interact, to give and take, at the speeds that are required at
the higher realms and at the crystal clear clarity that there is
of thought between individuals at the higher realms. Therefore,
individuals who are devious and criminal rarely make it to the
higher realms.
Wynn: Thank you.
It’s 7:03; let’s just take a moment of centering before we
end the call with our sources. Let’s ask them to work with us;
some of you know how this feels. You can feel their energy, our
energy, coming into our space. Shut your eyes. Some of you may
have noticed it coming in through your crown chakra. Let’s
just have a state of connection and union and balancing. Just
bless yourself, be worthy, have courage. …and we’ll see you
next time!
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Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly.
Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious
mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may
interfere. Apply your own discernment, take only what
resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is
meant for the person asking the question and you have the
privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain
insights from the answer. However, even though the
circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer
applies to you.. This is not meant to replace seeing your
doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner. Some people
get healings here, so you can be open to it.