Q. Regarding my sister. She is having an operation on Tuesday. And first I'd like to request
any assistance for success in that operation.

X. Assistance is presently being given and offered through your auspices and your helpful
intervention requests.

Q. In that operation she has to make a choice whether to remove her ovaries or not. Do you
see any medical situation that she's working with?

X. We do. The ovaries represent creative female energy. For her to part with the ovaries is
for her to give up a certain creative forward moving energy. However it is as if she has
already done this on psychological level. If it is indeed indicated medically from your
dimensional perspective to release this tissue by way of disease, it is up to her. remember
first exists the thought before the disease occurs in the body. The issue is not the diseased
tissue. The issue is with incorrect thought. Your sister suffers from incorrect thought.
regarding her ability to be a creative force in her own and in other's lives. She perceives
herself as being powerless when this actually is not true, however she has convinced herself
of it . and her body reflects such a state of false thinking.

Q. So it would be advisable to let her hear this information directly?

C It is of some benefit. It could be helpful to stir memories of her own abilities to make

Q. In relationship to the ovaries, the medical profession says that although they are not
diseased in the moment, she should remove them because they might become cancerous in
the future.

X. We register that this is incorrect thinking. This is fear based thinking.

Q. On the basis of that thinking if they are not diseased in the present it would be better to
leave them

X. Yes the ovaries are the source of the production of estrogen. If these are to be removed
the aging process accelerates tremendously and she would be forced to go on artificial
supplementation of estrogen which we do not see as beneficial as the sources are not pure.

Q. Any recommendations regarding any of her other health issues aside from the fact they
can be corrected by changes is attitude on her part?

X. One goes in hand with the other. We see the lupus as symptomatic of a person who feels
the only way they can get love is to go into a space of contraction and sickness. This can be
rectified by an assertion on the part of the self that she is indeed loved but first by the self.
She must practice self love and self acceptance.

conversations with my girlfriend
Health and Healing