The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?
  by Wynn Free with David Wilcock










                                 Reviews and Endorsements
Mystic Pop Magazine review
Fascinating! This book offers many instances for the reader to totally accept David Wilcock as the true reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, who died in 1945. As interesting as these instances are however that becomes secondary as one reads further. We discover David Wilcock is far from sleeping. He has a brilliant mind and his interests in scientific research findings, along with his channeled information from "Ra", (the name of the "social memory complex" and the Egyptian Sun God, which was an early life of Cayce in Egypt. An interesting and informative read!

In Light Times
Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was the premier mystic/psychic of the Western world, whose many predictions about reincarnation, evolution of the soul, health issues, and Earth changes comprise a legacy that affected countless people. Cayce also predicted that he would return in 1998. Through facts and circumstances, channel David Wilcock makes a convincing case that he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. His parallels to Cayce include a remarkable physical resemblance, astrological charts, personality traits, correlations in the development and awareness of their psychic abilities, and the apparent connections of Wilcock’s close friends to Cayce’s intimate associates. Wilcock also examines Cayce’s many predictions about global health issues and Earth changes, and gives guidance to those who want to understand the significance of these changes now taking place. 

Midwest Book Review
Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? addresses for his readers the profound issues of soul evolution, death, and contributes thoughtful and thought-provoking answers to a discussion of Jesus Christ. The Reincarnation Of Edgar Cayce? is very strongly recommended reading for all students of metaphysics in general, and the accomplishments of Edgar Cayce in particular."

D.D. Delaney, journalist, Portfolioweekly, Hampton Roads, Va.
Favorite Book Read in the Last 5 Years:
I think it would have to be The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, but I was also taken by a sleeper, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? by Wynn Free and David Wilcock -

Maryel Mckinley - former KABC talk show host and syndicated book reviewer
Not only has the book clearly answered questions such as why we are here, and what we are to do while we are here; it has also quenched and fulfilled an age old thirst and unfathomable hunger that has been with me since I can first remember, asking my mother at four years of age "If God made us, who made God?"
Upon completion of my read, I am as close as I have ever been to the answers of these questions that man has been ruminating over for thousands of years since the beginning of recorded history-AND it is all here in this book- and more!

Philip B. Rothenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S.
I was one of those "unforgettable" patrons at the What the Bleep conference in Santa Monica that you conned late Saturday night on the "bridge" into buying The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Oh well, another $20 isn’t going to kill me and my beautiful exwife gave "cheapo" the prompt he needed. "Just buy it!"

Boy, am I glad!  Congratulations.  This is a masterpiece. I can't put it down.  The thing that I like best, of course, is that it confirms all of my beliefs and prejudices plus a veritable plethora of information of which I had no idea and that tests out in my little "Cor Crucible".
You have an amazing talent and perseverance and I am one of those deeply indebted to you for the diligence you clearly exerted in putting together this fascinating and superb volume.
I hope we can talk sometime soon.
My very best wishes for your every success in marketing this very, very important work.

Reverend Beverly Craig, Senior Ministor, La Crescenta Church of Relligious Science

Konrad Kaserer - Spiritual Leader, Unity of Flagstaff

Sondra Ray - author and pioneer in rebirthing therapy

Barbara Lamb - Family Counseler and regression therapist