Grid Healings

What is a grid healing?

Grid healings are part of the work we are doing, in the area of healing the energy of Planet Earth and assisting to integrate the energies of the planet, ourselves, and the greater cosmos into a coherent flow of energy. Although this may be an unfamilar concept, you may be able to intuitively grasp it by remembering some time when you walked into a room and experienced "good vibes". If there were people in the room, you would have sensed a peacefulness and tranquility. When people have gathered in a high vibration, even after they have left the gathering spot, the vibration remains. Thus we have the birthing of sacred spots and creation of vortex energies into higher dimensions. The grid energy of Planet Earth has been severely damaged by the thousands of years of uncoherent energy it has experienced. A small amount of people, with high intent, can have a huge impact in repairing the planetary fields. In answers to questions, in the channelings, it has been indicated that a grid healing in an area can bring significant increaed protective energy in that vicinity and possibly stop or inhibit the intensity of a natural disaster. Participating in these healings, with the proper intent, can be a great service as well as instigating many positive personal benefits and releasing of persistent karmic blockages.

How does a grid healing work?
Usually two or more people get together in a specific area and drive to various locations. These anchor people are usually chosen or have volunteered from those who have been regular participants on the conference line and have become familiar and attuned with the energies we are working with. Sometimes the best locations are picked with the help of the channelings. Otherwise, the criteria of previous grid healings is used to pick the locations. During the course of the grid healing, the anchors are in contact with other volunteers on the conference line. The group invokes the light and columns of light are visualized at the locations.

How does one volunteer?

These "grid healings" may be initiated on short notice. Suzanne maintains a list of those who want to be notified when a grid healing is pending. Email Suzanne and let her know that you would like to be notified.

Why are the pictures of the locations posted?

After an area is visited, we try to post pictures of that particular area so those who participated in the healing can reiterate the energy in the future even if no one is physically at the site. This was confirmed in the channelings as a good idea.



Below are audio files of channelings related to grid healings