Miracles and Testimonials "The book and the conference call has caused a big shift in my thinking and world view. My thoughts are more loving now. My relationships with friends are better and my health has improved. This is becoming more real because I am seeing proof in my daily life. The synchronicities are unmistakeable and have anchored the information into this reality for me.".........Ana, Berkeley
First, I had been having a blockage for about 3 months regarding completing the setting up of my home. I'm into Feng Shui and one room (my Vortex) was at a standstill since Sept. when we moved in. The room came together within 24 hours of the third conference call I attended. I felt the Love and Light of the Ra and Elohim in my space!
From hearing and reading the channelings, I am totally inspired by your questions Wynn. They are detailed, specific and command responses that are of the same caliber. It gives me hope that I can facilitate my own evolution by the type of thoughtful questions I ask Spirit from the deepest part of my being during meditation, dreamtime, journaling or whatever!
Thank you so much,
Diane, Moutain View
One thing for certain though is that I have been
delivered from countless old patterns that made my life a long and arduous journey that paralyzed me with pain and fear for years that not only made me feel depressed, but kept me in bedridden states most of the time. The Conference Calls and Workshops then taught me that us Light Workers are in what I'll call "Spiritual Relationships" with each other. Not only did this make my fear of being alone greatly lift, but the bonds within these relationships are so strong that low self-esteem issues that were deeply rooted within me for most of my life have almost completely disappeared! Kathy, Sacramento "I have been seeking more light for some time now and since I have been coming on the conference line I feel I have come in contact with my Higher Self. I stopped judging others and see the positive side of life a lot more than I used to and don’t get as irritated like I used to. I am happy to be in the company of other seekers and I believe that I may be a Wanderer. I have a better view of myself now and my children are happy to see the changes in me from my interaction with this group of sincere seekers of truth." - Robert , Ohio