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Our Sources as they describe themselves:

The Elohim Group - the original Creators of the Physical Universe
The Ra Group - a Soul Group comprised of billions of graduates of this realm (got off the wheel of reincarnation) and act as an inter-dimensional team helping planetary populations (like ours) still stuck in reincarnation to evolve and graduate.
Ra'An - The Source that currently answers our questions on our conference lines goes by this name which they say is a conglomerate of the two group souls above.

If this work is making a contribution to your life, please consider making a donation. Your help not only gives support to this work, but lets us know that all the time we have spent putting this project together is making a difference. Thank you in advance.

Intelligent  Infinity
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Our Sources as they describe themselves:

The Elohim Group - the original Creators of the Physical Universe
The Ra Group - a Soul Group comprised of billions of graduates of this realm (got off the wheel of reincarnation) and act as an inter-dimensional team helping planetary populations (like ours) still stuck in reincarnation to evolve and graduate.
Ra'An - The Source that currently answers our questions on our conference lines goes by this name which they say is a conglomerate of the two group souls above.

If this work is making a contribution to your life, please consider making a donation. Your help not only gives support to this work, but lets us know that all the time we have spent putting this project together is making a difference and encourages us to do more. Thank you in advance.
