Message a Day









































Connection 1

Connection 2

Connection 3

Connection 4

Plus - a pdf workbook of some of the original
research material for this workshop



Wynn held this 4 hour telephone workshop in 2006 and it changed the lives of all who were present, tying the work he is doing this life with the of  period of Egypt 1400 A.D.

The real story lies with the attempts of the Elohim/Ra groups to evolve humans and how difficult that has been. Part of the reason for the difficulty is that this planet has been under vibrational siege by, what we could call negative - service to self - intelligences in other dimensions. These other dimensional beings make contact with the "elite" via their ability to also channel and it becomes hard to distinguish what's positive and what's negative as the negative will masquerade as positive and even the elite (some of the elite), believe they're taking actions which are in the best interest of humanity, with no realization that they are being counseled by a negative source. This is why so many religions which were based on the manifestation of someone positive can so quickly turn negative and suddenly seem to be acting in total opposition to the original teachings, for example; the Christian holy wars. They are misled to believe that their religion is the superior one, instead of recognizing the brotherhood of man and the Law of One. 

Some of the channelings amongst new age people, which are cloaked in love and light language and the popular buzz words of ascension and dna activation are very likely of mixed polarity. 

This workshop should greatly enhance your own discernment. The criteria is explained in detail as to distinguishing a negative source from a positive source. This is going to be very important in the period to come as structures continue to break down and various leaders might appear. It's very subtle and very easy to be fooled. Just because the vernaculer is "love and light" doesn't mean that it is.

There are/were many indications tying Daphne and Wynn to the period of Egypt when Akhnaton was Pharoah. Wynn cross referenced and quotes many disparate sources in this workshop, channeled and historical, making his case.

Within this workshop, "the secret of the pyramids" is finally revealed.




Many of you who are drawn to Egyptian history might very likely have had lifetimes in that era and this workshop can awaken cellular memories and clear dross and miasms related to this period.

Here's some comments from people who listened to this workshop:

  "The information was great - it was wonderful to connect again with that energy. So thanks for putting yourself out there and helping us reconnect!"....................... "I’d like to let you know that the information given in the recording of Egyptian connection by you does resonate really strong with me. I do better understand things that I experienced a long time ago concerning dark energies. I enjoy listening to your voice very much, my third eye responds to it immediately, I am very thankfull to have this opportunity."................."Its answering all my questions that some would say, there are no answers to. And I say Ask and you shall receive. YEAH!!"..............." I began listening to the last recording last night, and haven't finished as yet. During the wee hours of the morning, something made me waken for a brief period...probably not more than 2 or 3 minutes. I heard the name, ELOHIM, as I apparently had been dreaming about them." 

Total cost $19.00.
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The Egyptian Connection
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