Message a Day













































Conference Calls










As Wynn was experiencing this phenomena of communication with other realms, he realized the importance of sharing it with others. When he would do live appearances, a very powerful light energy would always pervade the room. Strangers would leave and comment how they could see auras for the first time. Wynn learned his sources had the capability of blending with the energies of those who would attend and make their presence known by what they called love/light energy.   He experimented with the idea of using a telephone conference call as a means to bring forth that same energy so that people could be reached on an ongoing basis regardless of their physical location. His Sources encouraged the project.

These calls have been ongoing for a few years and you are welcome to attend.  Many participants have reported shifts in energy, healings and more. These is no charge to participate in these calls. Here's a partial schedule:

Monday - 6 - 7pm Pacific, www.bbsradio.com station 2 or 712 432 1600, pin 368522. This is a simulcast between a telephone conference and an internet radio show. It is listed on BBS Radio as " Monday Night Conference Call with Wynn Free" . Wynn talks "off the top of his head" about various topics and often there is a channeling via Terry.  Replay - 712 432 1281 pin 368522#. When they ask for the reference number press # a second time


Wednesday - 6-7 PM Pacific 712 432 1600, pin 128506#.   Live channeling.  Replay - 712 432 1281  128506#.  When they ask for the reference number press # a second time You can submit a question to questions@messageaday.net                              

Sunday - 10am-Noon Pacific, 712-432-0075, 940658#  This is a planetary healing session . We create a group energy and join with the energy of our positive Sources. We then invoke group intentions for the highest good and project those intentions to various issues and locations on our planet. We've noted many times unusual positive transformations in the areas where we've made projections.  Many people report that they can actually feel the energy on the line and some have experienced personal healings. It is introduced with a channeling by Terry.
replay 712 432 1085  940658#

Saturday Workshops - These are facilitated by Wynn and held over the telephone line. They will be announced on Message-a-Day to subscribers.

These calls are posted on a replay line and you can listen to them anytime. The replay numbers are posted above. You can also get a free subscription to The Spirit Channel and the audios for the calls will be emailed to you.   People have reported that listening to these calls have shifted their energy, caused healings and lifted depressions!

Try it!!

We thank Rassouli for giving his permission to use his painting on this page. You can see his other work at his website www.rassouli.com