Message a Day
























































The teamshift group Europe - America/Canada is working! So far we have four people joining the calls. I think it is quite amazing that we are doing it, and that it feels so  - I don't know, mixture of amazed and warm feeling I think. I can feel the energy, just as on your calls.

Also I would like to tell you, that since my reading, I can more easily talk with my husband about all these things, he is more open to it. The feeling of joy and awe has not left me since the reading."

Team Shift is an experimental program designed to speed of the evolution of a participant and increase their ability to contribute to the raising of the vibration of the planet. We are facilitating the formation and coming together of small groups of people - 3 to 4 -  who will meet everyday for ten minutes, on a conference line number dedicated to that group. There is a rotating responsibility of each person in a group to "call in the light" and then each person can "send the light" to those issues, people or planetary unbalances.  There are no leaders and it might be compared to a virtual Quaker Prayer meeting.

On the major public conference calls, Wynn has demonstrated the ability to "call in the light" for a groups of people all over the world and many participants have reported that they can feel the energy. In the channelings which occur on these calls by Terry, our Sources take credit for radiating love/light into people's personal space and being.

Team Shift is a opportunity for self empowerment and deepening your connections to Source. It is also an opportunity to expand the Sunday Grid Healing into a daily session with a small intimate group of people. Team Shift can gives a support system of highly intended people as you go through your own letting go of old patterns, and opportunities for leadershop for those who step up to the plate and help administrate this program as it expands. Participants of Team Shift are reporting more energy and connection with spirit throughout the day.

Oren Weinrib is volunteering to assign people into their group and give them initial support. 

Many lightworkers tend to feel estranged and alienated because they have no one in their immediate circle who understands the nature of the planetary shift taking place. To join Team Shift, fill out the form below and forward it to us. You should be contacted within 2-3 weeks and be assigned a group. Team Shift is a free service and supported by a suggested monthly donation of five dollars (or more if you can afford it).

There's no obligation to joining. If you can't make it one day, that's fine. It's recommended that you participate for at least 6 weeks to give enough time for the energies to anchor, but you're free to leave at anytime, if you're not experiencing any benefit. Thank you for considering being part of Team Shift.























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