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Message a Day


Loving Your Way Through a Dimensional Shift!!
A two hour talk by (with)
Wynn Free
Principal author The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?
in Carlsbad, California

Sunday March 29th, 7PM-9PM
Windmill Conference Center
890 Palomar Airport Rd
(Palomar exit 5 Freeway)














Tickets are $15.00. You will have a choice to be processed via PayPal or your credit card. All prepurchased tickets on the web will include a free channeling. You will receive an email confirmation with a special admission number. Please print the email to be used as  ticket for admission or write down the code number which you will receive on the reply email. Click on "add to cart" to purchase tickets.



You are also invited to the Holistic Living Expo at the same location from 10am - 6pm. Mention that you are a guest of Wynn for free admission to the Expo






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Fill out the form below for a free subsubscription to "message a day" and get channelled transcriptsions every day in your Inbox!





When Wynn first started doing public appearances, he didn't talk  about his own experience with the Elohim channeling through his personal friends. He thought he would seriously damage his credibility as the author of a book already controversial, about the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?

The first time he told the story of what was happening to him personally was at a talk hosted by Roy Gibons at the Shumai Center in Pasaadena. He did so at Roy's encouragement. This was sometime in 2004 and it was well received.

Wynn was invited to speak at the Holistic Living Expo in San Diego produced by Dean Price. Dean supported the work Wynn was doing and created a very safe environment. Terry was sitting at a table at the end of the talk and people were lining up to purchase books and she monitored their conversations and overhead comments like, "I could see people's auras for the first time" or "I could see a light in the room". Wynn inquired about this phenomena in a channelling and "they" said it was them beaming "love/light" into the room. This has become an anticipated phenomena whenever Wynn does a public presentation.

Although it was a bit scarey to talk about these things so directly to a public audience, Dean invited Wynn to show up anytime to his expos, which were being held all over California. Sometimes Wynn would drive up to an expo and sleep as there were not enough funds to cover a motel. Wynn grew more confidant and realized, for many people, he was sharing information that they hungered for.

About two years later, Wynn returned to San Diego and Daphne was with him. Daphne actually did a public address of the Elohim at the workshop, which was videotaped. At some point we'll post the video.

A year later, Wynn was doing an expo in Santa Barbara and Terry did a live channeling to the workshop. Click on this link and listen to the recording of that channeling,   which was the first time Terry did a public channeling. She's extremely shy.


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Wynn Live

March 13-15
Los Angeles 
Quantum Leap
2012 Conference

March 21st
Saturday 1pm pst
Telephone Workshop

March 22
1 PM
Bushwillows Live
in Los Angeles

March 29th
Carlsbad, Ca.
Public Lecture
Windmill 7pm

*Asterik indicates active
link.. others are pending...



* Responses to this work

*The Reincarnation of
   Edgar Cayce?

*Questions and Answers with 
 the Council of Elohim

*The Egyptian Connection  

  Audios and videos of
  media presentations 

* Conference calls

* Light Body Activation

*Daphne Music

  Wynn Music

  Wynn Movie




Factoids - At the
bottom of each

webpage there is a
section called factoids
with tidbits of relevant
and irrelevant